Квадроциклы CF MOTO: обзор моделей и цены. Квадроциклы CF MOTO: обзор моделей и цены Техническое обслуживание cf moto x8

.. 13 14 15 16 ..

Квадроцикл CFMoto CF800-2 X8 EFI. Руководство - часть 15

4. Нажмите кнопку

(рисунок на стр. 61)

переведя её в положение «отжата» При

этом на щитке приборов должен загореться символ


Если переключатель установлен в режим “LOCK” (кнопка

«отжата»), а световой индикатор

блокировки дифференциала переднего моста «

»мигает , то это означает, что дифферен-

циал переднего моста блокирован не полностью.

Если световой индикатор «

» мигает , то покачивание рулём направо – налево поможет

включиться блокиратору дифференциала полностью.

До тех пор, пока блокиратор дифференциала не включился полностью, а световой индикатор

»не перестал мигать, начинать движение не разрешается. Допустимо лишь чуть стро-

нуться с места до момента окончательного срабатывания механизма (окончательное сраба-
тывание блокиратора сопровождается хорошо слышимым щелчком).
Если редуктор переднего моста квадроцикла находится в режиме «4WD-LOCK» (полный при-
вод с блокировкой дифференциала), максимальная скорость движения «вперёд» автоматиче-
ски ограничивается до 30 км/ч, а «назад» – до 25км/ч. Однако, если условия требуют задейст-
вовать всю мощность двигателя для движения вперёд или назад (отключить ограничение ско-
рости в режиме «4WD-LOCK»), нажмите и удерживайте клавишу «OVERRIDE» (стр. 48). После
отпускания клавиши «OVERRIDE» функция ограничения восстанавливается автоматически.


Система полного привода

Включение блокировки дифференциала рекомендуется производить заблаговременно, т.е.
до того момента, когда с большой долей вероятности потребуется обеспечить максималь-
ную проходимость мотовездехода. В противном случае, при нахождении мотовездехода в
крайне тяжёлых дорожных условиях, добиться окончательной блокировки может оказаться
достаточно трудно.

Привод дроссельной заслонки (курок газа)

Если двигатель работает, то перемещение рычага

изменяет его обороты. Регулируйте

скорость, варьируя положение дросселя. Поскольку
дроссель подпружинен, то при снятии пальца с рычага
скорость мотовездехода уменьшится и двигатель
вернётся к холостому ходу.
Убедитесь, что при отпускании курка, привод дросселя
даёт возможность двигателю вернуться к холостому ходу.


Перед запуском двигателя проверьте работу рычага дросселя. Если рычаг не работает ис-
правно, выясните причину. Перед началом движения необходимо устранить неисправность.
Свяжитесь с официальным дилером CFMoto, если не можете выяснить причину и решить
проблему самостоятельно.


Ограничитель открывания дросселя

Ограничитель предотвращает полное открытие
дросселя, даже если рычаг дросселя повёрнут
до упора.
Закручивание регулировочного винта

ограничивает максимальную мощность
двигателя и уменьшает максимальную скорость


Не выворачивайте регулировочный винт

более чем на 12 мм (размер

Всегда проверяйте, чтобы свободный ход рычага дросселя был 3

Мототехника с четырьмя колесами появилась в широком распространении относительно недавно в нашей стране. При этом даже для ее вождения необходимо водительское удостоверение с нововведенной категорией. Заслуженное признание среди подобных транспортных средств получил квадроцикл CF Moto.

Основное производство крупнейшей китайской компании CFMoto располагается в Поднебесной. Однако, имеются официальные представители в других странах. В России функции по обслуживанию и продаже взяла на себя ТК «АВМ-ТРЕЙД» с подразделениями в регионах и в Москве. Большое количество салонов, предлагающих новый модельный ряд квадроциклов всевозможных размеров, и широкое внедрение обслуживающей сети делает квадроциклы CFMoto востребованными у покупателей.

Возникновение торговой марки

Производство колесной техники от ныне популярного бренда стартовало еще в 50-х годах XIX века. С тех пор весь ряд предлагаемой техники получал усовершенствования. В начале XX века в основном использовалась мускульная тяга у оборудования. После распространения двигателей внутреннего сгорания стали появляться модели, потребляющие бензин.

Крупная управленческая реорганизация произошла в конце 80-х годов прошлого столетия. В производстве с 90-х годов появились современные двухколесные мотоциклы. В своем современном виде новые квадроциклы азиатский промышленный производитель представлял с 2003 г. Благодаря высокому спросу и достойному качеству ежегодный размер экспорта продукции достигает 13 млн. единиц в год.

В российских салонах данная продукция стала доступной с 2007 г. за счет «АВМ-ТРЕЙД». Об этом утверждает сайт компании, зарегистрированной в Санкт-Петербурге.

Большим доверием квадроциклы СФ Мото пользуются за счет разных факторов:

  • продукция имеет множество сертификатов качества и надежности;
  • при изготовлении используется высокотехнологичное оборудование для диагностики и сборки;
  • запчасти для квадроцикла проходят тщательный отбор благодаря многоступенчатой системе проверок отдела тестирования;
  • на предприятии работает 3000 высококвалифицированных сотрудников.

Улучшая технические характеристики продукции, компания значительно наращивает производственные объемы. Также в последнее время делается упор на выпуск следующих типов машин:

  • квадроциклы CF с инжекторными движками;
  • сверхбезопасные спортивные аппараты;
  • стрит-модели;
  • многозадачная четырехколесная мототехника.

Предлагаются пользователям также туристические и многоместные экземпляры.

Лучшие модели квадроциклов CF MOTO

CF MOTO X5 Classic

Предлагается в нескольких вариантах исполнения: Basic, Classic, H.O. EPS. В такой ситуации цена колеблется в зависимости от комплектации в пределах 419-538 тыс. руб. В эти суммы вложены значения утилизационного сбора. Базовая версия оказывается наиболее доступной из этой линейки.

Основным отличием между «базой» и «классикой» заключается в отсутствии лебедки и наличии литых дисков. В машине ставится один из типов моторов 493/495 см3, CF188/ CF191R, 32/38 л.с. Четырехтактные моторы с одним цилиндром и четырьмя клапанами. Установлено жидкостное охлаждение. Впрыск бензина Икс 5 разработан BOSCH.

Для запуска мотора используется ручной или электрический стартер. Карбюраторный мотор отправляет крутящий момент на вариатор, используемый в виде автоматической КПП. Имеется возможность ручной блокировки дифференциала. Сухая масса колеблется в пределах 326/377 кг. Радиус поворота имеет квадроцикл X5 4м.

ВИДЕО: Обзор работы CFMoto X5

CF Moto X6

Поставляется на рынок в двух основных вариациях CF625-X6 EFI и CF625-X6 ELKA&PROLIGHT. Их цены соответственно составят 465 и 510 тыс. руб. На модели и вариации ставится 38-сильный двигатель марки CF196S-B объемом 594 куб. см и инжектором от BOSCH. Четырехтактный мотор с одним цилиндром и 4 клапанами оснащен не только жидкостным охлаждением, но и имеет систему охлаждения масла.

Более дорогая версия оснащена комплектом амортизаторов от канадского бренда ELKA Suspension. При этом имеется световая оптика PROLIGHT от американской торговой марки. Впереди стоят 400CF, а сзади стопы - UF32CF.

В базовой комплектации агрегат оснащен защитой рук водителя. Аккумулятор для квадроцикла CF Moto выдает 12 В. Сухая масса составляет 358 кг. Клиренс на уровне 287 мм обеспечивает быстрое преодоление любых препятствий.

Шасси состоит из передней независимой части на двойных поперечинах А-образных с гидроамортизаторами. Сзади также независимая на двойных поперечинах. Преимуществом модели является двухконтурная гидравлическая тормозная система. Впереди тормоза из двух дисков, а сзади - однодисковые. Диски на Х6 из легкосплавных металлов на 12 дюймов. Максимальная скорость достигает 90 км/ч.

ВИДЕО: Обзор работы CF Moto X6

CF Moto X8

Эту разновидность купить можно у официальных представителей по цене 569-624 тыс. руб. Итоговая стоимость зависит от предлагаемой модели, которая может быть X8 EPS, X8 EFI или X8 Basic. Во всех вариациях устанавливается мотор 2V91W. Его объем достигает 800 куб.см. Четырехтактная модель с двумя цилиндрами V-Twin охлаждается жидкостной системой. Это позволяет продуцировать 63 л.с. при 6700 об/мин.

Преимущество модели заключается в наличии инжекторов от DELPHI, которые управляются электроникой. Также компьютерное управление ставится транзитное с электронным контролем опережения. Вариаторная коробка передач сочетается с понижающей передачей. Дорожный клиренс - 275 мм. Масса модели - 386 кг.

Топливный бак Х8 на 23 л позволяет длительное время не задумываться о заправке. При этом максимальная скорость достигает 108 км/ч. Небольшой радиус поворота лимитирован 4 м.

Опции, которые присутствуют в комплекте:

  • верхние алюминиевые рычаги подвески;
  • водительское кресло оснащено комфортной спинкой;
  • литые диски;
  • защитные щитки для рук;
  • фаркопный металлический шар.

Два багажника Икс 8 установлены впереди и сзади. Для защиты монтируется блокировка руля. Пользователи отмечают, что модель отлично держит дорогу, преодолевая препятствия.

ВИДЕО: Обзор работы CF Moto X8


Квадроцикл обойдется покупателям по цене 919 тыс. руб. Данная модель оснащена комфортным электроусилителем руля EPS. В дорогую модель ставится 63-сильный движок марки 2V91W. Развивает такой вездеход 105 км/ч. Максимальная грузоподъемность составляет 230 кг.

В базовой комплектации модели имеется:

  • рулевой электроусилитель;
  • электролебедка с дистанционным пультом и мощностью 3500 lbs;
  • легкосплавные диски;
  • впереди стоит ветровое стекло;
  • комфорт обеспечивается за счет съемной крыши;
  • рулевая колонка имеет возможность регулировок под водителя;
  • кузов - подъемный, оснащен откидным бортом.

Установлены боковые дверцы, защищающие от попадания грязи. Масса двухместной модели достигает 617 кг.

ВИДЕО: Обзор работы и тест-драйв CFMOTO U8W EPS

CF Moto 500A

Данная версия востребована для путешествий и активного отдыха. После тестирования профильными автоизданиями CF500 получила множество позитивных оценок. Мощный мотор развивает 32 л.с. при объеме 493 куб.см. Одноцилиндровый силовой агрегат оснащен карбюратором Mikuni BSR 36-89.

Топливный бак - 19 л, а трансмиссия - автоматическая. В передний багажник можно складывать до 35 кг, а сзади - 70 кг. Сухой вес без дополнительной оснастки - 340 кг. В наличии имеется фаркоп, задние зеркала, грунтозацепная резина и уютное кресло со спинкой.

ВИДЕО: Обзор работы CF Moto 500A

В данном Руководстве приведена информация
по ремонту и техническому обслуживанию
мотовездехода CFMOTO Х8 EFI (тип СF8002), а также подробное описание контрольных
и регулировочных операций, кроме этого, представлены указания по поиску и устранению
неисправностей и технические характеристики
изделия. Описание некоторых операций сопровождается подробным иллюстративным
В первом разделе в основном содержится
общая информация, перечень инструментов
и специальных приспособлений, сведения
об устройстве и основных технических характеристиках мотовездехода.
Второй раздел содержит описание контрольных и регулировочных операций, а также рекомендации по техническому обслуживанию
транспортного средства.
В третьем и последующих разделах приведены операции снятия, установки, регулировки
и технического обслуживания, а также указания по поиску и устранению неисправностей.
Компания CFMOTO оставляет за собой
право на совершенствование и изменение конструкции изделий, без предварительного уведомления. Ремонт и техническое обслуживание должны выполняться в соответствии с фактическим состоянием мотовездехода.
Все права защищены
Zhejiang CFMOTO Power Co., Ltd.
Июнь 2011

Корпус и система выпуска
отработавших газов»

Контрольные и регулировочные

Система охлаждения

Снятие и установка
силового агрегата


Впускной коллектор, головка
цилиндра и цилиндр

Картер, Коленчатый вал,

Вариатор и сцепление

Система смазки силового агрегата

Генератор (магнето)

Передние колеса, тормоза, подвеска
рулевое управление

Задние колеса, тормоза, подвеска

Передний/задний редуктор


Световые и контрольные
приборы, переключатели


CFMOTO Х8 EFI (тип СF800-2)

Таблица перевода физических величин
Физическая величина

200 кПа=2,00 кгс/см2
3 кПа=250 мм рт. ст.

18 Н·м=1,8 кгс·м

419 мл=419 см3=0,419 л

12 Н=1,2 кгс

1 кгс/см2=98,0665 кПа
1 кПа=1000 Па
1 мм рт. ст.=133,322 Па=0,133322 кПа
1 кгс·м=9,80665 Н·м
1 мл=1 см3
1 л=1000 см3
1 кгс=9,80665 Н


Общая информация
ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ПО Техническому обслуживанию...........01-4
Правила техники безопасности.......................................................01-4
Предостережения по процедуре разборки и сборки......................01-4
ОБКАТКА ДВИГАТЕЛЯ..........................................................................01-6
Инструкции по обкатке.....................................................................01-6
Модель CFMOTO Х8 EFI (тип СF800-2)..........................................01-7
РЕГЛАМЕНТ ТЕХНИЧЕСКОГО ОБСЛУЖИВАНИЯ..........................01-10
Система смазки..............................................................................01-10
Система подачи воздуха. Топливная система.............................01-10
Система охлаждения.....................................................................01-11
Колёса, шины..................................................................................01-12
Электрооборудование (продолжение)..........................................01-13
Клапана и головка цилиндра.........................................................01-14
Цилиндр, поршень, кольца, коленчатый вал...............................01-15
Сцепление, вариатор, субтрансмиссия........................................01-16
Моменты затяжки, субтрансмиссия..............................................01-16
Моменты затяжки резьбовых соединений....................................01-18
Специальные инструменты и приспособления
для проведения технического обслуживания и ремонта............01-20
Смазочные и вспомогательные материалы.................................01-23
Расположение электропроводки, трубок, тросиков.....................01-24
Схема работы системы адсорбции...............................................01-29


Изменен: 11.02.15 16:10

CFMOTO Х8 EFI (тип СF800-2)

ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ПО Техническому обслуживанию
Правила техники безопасности
1. Выхлоп содержит вредные компоненты. Не заводите двигатель в закрытых или плохо проветриваемых помещениях.
2. Во избежание ожога не прикасайтесь к двигателю или глушителю голыми руками сразу после
остановки двигателя. При работе надевайте спецодежду с длинными рукавами и перчатки.
3. Электролит (раствор серной кислоты) чрезвычайно едкая жидкость и может вызвать ожоги
кожи и глаз. При попадании на кожу немедленно промойте водой и обратитесь к врачу. При
попадании на одежду промойте водой для предотвращения ожогов, смените одежду. Храните аккумулятор и электролит в недоступном для детей месте.
4. Охлаждающая жидкость ядовита. Не пейте и не проливайте на кожу, глаза, одежду. При попадании на кожу промойте большим количеством воды с мылом. При попадании в глаза промойте водой и обратитесь к врачу. При попадании антифриза внутрь, вызовите рвоту для
очистки желудка и обратитесь к врачу. Храните антифриз в недоступном для детей месте.
5. Надевайте соответствующую спецодежду, головной убор и обувь. При необходимости надевайте защитные очки, перчатки, маску.
6. Бензин легко воспламеним. Курить и пользоваться открытым огнём вблизи ёмкостей с бензином запрещается. Также оберегайте зону, в которой производятся работы с бензином от
попадания искр. Испарения бензина очень взрывоопасны. Работайте в хорошо проветриваемом помещении.
7. При зарядке аккумулятора может выделяться водород, который является взрывоопасным
веществом. Заряжайте батарею в хорошо проветриваемом помещении.
8. Соблюдайте осторожность с вращающимися элементами, такими, как колёса, валы, шкивы, сцепление и другими.
9. При совместной работе с напарником, не забывайте напоминать друг другу о необходимости соблюдения мер по технике безопасности.

Предостережения по процедуре разборки и сборки
1. При ремонте используйте только фирменные детали и смазочные материалы.
2. Перед ремонтом удалите грязь и пыль.
3. Храните разобранные детали по отдельности — это облегчит процесс правильной сборки.
4. Заменяйте снятые шайбы, уплотнительные кольца, стопоры пальцев поршня, шплинты новыми.
5. Гибкие стопоры могут повредиться после разборки. Не используйте ослабленные контрящие
6. После разборки детали промойте и высушите. На поверхности движущихся деталей при
сборке обязательно наносите смазку.
7. Если вы не знаете, какая длина винта требуется, устанавливайте винты по очереди, пока
они не закрутятся на требуемую глубину.
8. Проверяйте степень износа снятых резинотехнических изделий, при необходимости заменяйте их. Резиновые детали, не предназначенные для контакта с маслами, храните вдали
от смазки.

9. Сначала производите предварительную затяжку болтов, гаек и винтов, затем затягивайте
их согласно требуемому моменту, начиная с крупных и заканчивая мелкими, сначала внутри потом снаружи. Соблюдайте схему затяжки.
10. Заменяйте изношенные резиновые детали, не наносите на них бензин или смазку — это
может повредить их.
11. Не пропускайте точки, подлежащие принудительной смазке (например пресс-маслёнки).
12. При необходимости используйте специальные инструменты.


13. Заменяйте подшипники новыми, если их состояние вызывает у вас сомнение.

14. Проверните внутреннее и внешнее кольцо подшипника, и проверьте, вращается ли он свободно.

● Замените подшипник, если осевой или радиальный зазор слишком велик.

● Если при вращении подшипника ощущаются помехи, промойте и смажьте его маслом; замените подшипник, если это не помогло.

● При запрессовке подшипника в гнездо или на вал замените его, если он не садится плотно.

15. Устанавливайте подшипник с односторонней защитой правильной стороной. При сборке
подшипника открытого типа или с двусторонней защитой устанавливайте его так, чтобы
маркировка изготовителя была видна.
16. После промывки, при просушке подшипника сжатым воздухом, не допускайте его вращения под действием потока. Перед сборкой обязательно смажьте подшипник.
17. Устанавливайте стопорные кольца правильно. После сборки проверните стопорное кольцо и убедитесь, что оно вошло в паз.
18. После сборки проверьте качество затяжки и свободный ход сопряжённых деталей.
19. Тормозная жидкость и антифриз могут повредить краску, пластмассовые и резиновые детали. При попадании на них этих жидкостей немедленно промойте детали водой.


Изменен: 11.02.15 16:10

CFMOTO Х8 EFI (тип СF800-2)
20. Устанавливайте уплотнение маркировкой производителя наружу.
● Не сгибайте и не царапайте кромку уплотнения.
● Перед сборкой смажьте уплотнение.
21. При установке шлангов вставляйте их до конца штуцера. Устанавливайте хомут трубки
в канавку или за местом развальцовки штуцера. Трубки и шланги, которые нельзя затянуть, замените.
22. Следите за тем, чтобы в двигатель и гидравлическую систему тормозов не попала грязь
или пыль.
23. Перед сборкой очистите прокладки и шайбы корпуса двигателя. Удалите царапины на соединяемых поверхностях, ровно заполировав эти места.
24. Не перекручивайте и не перегибайте чрезмерно провода. Сильно деформированные провода могут выйти из строя.
25. При сборке следите, чтобы заглушки и крышки были установлены в свои гнёзда плотно
и без повреждения уплотнений.

Внутри двигателя имеется большое количество деталей, таких как поршни, кольца, цилиндры, коленчатый вал, шестерни и других, надлежащая приработка которых в первый период эксплуатации особенно важна. Именно правильно проведённая обкатка позволит деталям
приработаться друг к другу, достичь оптимальных рабочих зазоров, что, в свою очередь, существенно улучшит работу агрегатов и продлит ресурс их надёжной работы. Рекомендуемый
период обкатки мотора: первые 20 моточасов (400-600 км пробега).

ИнструкциИ по обкатке
0-10 моточасов
● Не допускайте длительной работы при заслонке, открытой более чем на 50%.
● После каждого часа работы давайте двигателю остыть.
● Избегайте интенсивных разгонов. Манипулируйте курком газа медленно и плавно. Не изменяйте положение заслонки резко.

10-20 моточасов
● Не допускайте длительной работы двигателя при заслонке, открытой более чем на 75%.
● Старайтесь не открывать заслонку полностью.
1. Уделите особое внимание обслуживанию техники в период обкатки.
2. Перед началом обычной эксплуатации (после завершения обкатки), не забудьте обслужить и проверить двигатель.


Модель CFMOTO Х8 EFI (тип СF800-2)

1. Идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN): LCELVYZ~.
2. Шильда с реквизитами модели и VIN.

3. Серийный номер силового агрегата (EIN): 2V91W~.


Изменен: 11.02.15 16:10

CFMOTO Х8 EFI (тип СF800-2)
Технические характеристики
Длина, мм
Ширина, мм
Высота, мм
Колёсная база, мм
Модель силового агрегата
Рабочий объем двигателя, см. куб.
Тип и октановое число топлива
«Сухая» масса, кг
Количество посадочных мест
Суммарная нагрузка, кг
Дорожный просвет, мм
Внешний радиус разворота, мм
тип двигателя

Газораспределительный механизм

Диаметр/ход поршня, мм
степень сжатия
масляный насос
фильтрующий элемент
тип масла
система охлаждения
охлаждающая жидкость

CFMOTO Х8 EFI (тип СF800-2)
неэтилированный бензин, Аи-95
2 (включая водителя)
255 (2 человека +105 кг груза)
AT26×9-12 49J
AT26×9-14 48J
AT26×11-12 55J
AT26×11-14 54J
электрический стартер
V-образный, 2-цилиндровый, 4-тактный,с жидкостным охлаждением, 4 клапана на цилиндр,
распределительный вал верхнего расположения
(для каждого цилиндра) (SOHC)
с цепным приводом, распределительный вал
верхнего расположения (для каждого цилиндра)
под давлением и разбрызгиванием
сменный, бумажный картридж
SAE15W-40; API-SG или выше
жидкостная, замкнутый контур
охлаждающая жидкость для алюминиевых двигателей, рабочая температура до -30 °С

Технические характеристики
тип воздушного фильтра
сменный бумажный картридж
диаметр, мм
Ёмкость топливного бака, л
автоматическое, центробежного типа, работаютип сцепления
щее в масляной ванне
тип трансмиссии
вариатор (CVT) и коробка передач (субтрансмиссия)
повышенная передача (High), пониженная перережимы трансмиссии
дача (Low) и передача заднего хода (Reverse)
способ управления режимами
под левую руку: L-H-N-R-P
передаточное отношение
задний ход
передача «H»
передача «L»
вторичный вал/
трансмиссион1,333 (24/18)
ный вал
вал /вторичный
1,952 (41/21)
вал КПП
отношения пар
1,143 (32/28)
2,529 (43/17)
в субтрансмиссии
Общее передаточное отноше2,975
отношения ре33/9=3,667
дукторов мостов задний


Передача силовой агрегат/мосты
направление вращения
карданных валов
угол поворота

Карданные валы
при движении «вперёд» — по часовой стрелке
(вид сзади)
колёсные, гидравлические, дисковые
трансмиссионный, гидравлический, дисковый
независимая, на двойных поперечных
А-образных рычагах
пространственная, сварная, из труб и пластин

Тип рамы

Изменен: 11.02.15 16:10


CFMOTO Х8 EFI (тип СF800-2)

Система смазки
(без учёта фильтра)

Узел, система
замена масла
стандартная замена масла
и фильтра
полный объём

масла силового
агрегата, мл

(заполняется при
первом запуске)

Объём в радиаторе
и магистрали


-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
-22 -4

Масляный насос


Проверьте уровень
и долейте после
первого запуска

Рекомендуемое масло:
Специальное масло для мотоциклетных 4-тактных двигателей
со сцеплением, работающим в масляной ванне. Вязкость масла
должна соответствовать температуре эксплуатации (см. таб-лицу
SAE 15W40; API-SG и выше.

14 32 50 68 86 104

Зазор между внутренним и наружным ротором, мм
зазор между наружным ротором
и корпусом, мм
торцевой зазор ротор/корпус, мм
давление масла, кПа

1500 об/мин: 70-300 (обычно 180)
6000 об/мин: 350-550 (обычно 420)

Система подачи воздуха. Топливная система
Объем топливного бака, л
Дроссельный узел
Датчик температуры и давления во впускном
коллекторе (T-MAP)
Обороты холостого хода, об/мин

1300 ± 100


Система охлаждения
Узел, система
полный объём
расшириОбъём антифриза, мл объём
тельного бачка
Давление открытия клапана крышки
радиатора, кПа (кгс/см2)
температура начала открытия, °С
полное открытие, °C
ход клапана пр

Блок реле и предохранителей, жизненно важных для работы квадроцикла CFMOTO CF500-A, расположен под сиденьем. В случае возникновения каких-либо неисправностей с электрикой довольно просто обнаружить вышедшее из строя реле или предохранитель. Нужно лишь знать схему их расположения. Эта информация приведена в руководстве пользователя (хотя не совсем правильно), а я лишь ещё раз напоминаю, как всё устроено.

Итак, сняв сиденье, по левому борту мы увидим различные реле.

Верхние реле отвечают за работу привода, включающего режим 4WD, а также блокировку дифференциала (DIFF LOCK). Крайнее правое реле – ближний свет фар. Почему-то в руководстве оно никак не обозначено. Возможно, электрическая схема уже несколько модифицирована.

Нижний ряд реле – это основное (втягивающее) реле стартера, дополнительное (вспомогательное) реле стартера, реле вентилятора охлаждения радиатора, а также реле фар (дальнего света). Интересно, что в руководстве обозначения реле вентилятора и дальнего света перепутаны местами. Не знаю, может быть, у меня реле поставлены наоборот. Но точно могу сказать, что к реле фар идут такие провода: зелёный, синий, коричневый, коричнево-белый. А к реле вентилятора – чёрный, красно-чёрный, красно-зелёный, красно-синий.

Маленькие чёрные реле имеют каталожный номер 9010-150350 и стоят 130 рублей. Вместо них можно купить реле от Приоры/Калины, каталожный номер 98.3747, цена 75 рублей. Правда, эти реле негерметичные, их нужно проклеить перед установкой в квадроцикл. А в остальном они полностью идентичны, хоть и рассчитаны на меньший ток.

Есть ещё одно реле – реле поворотников, оно расположено под капотом.

Предохранители находятся в соответствующем блоке. Красные имеют номинал 10 А, голубые – 15 А. Это стандартные автомобильные флажковые предохранители.

Верхний (на фото) отвечает за работу вентилятора охлаждения радиатора. Под ним – предохранитель фар головного света и приборной панели, а также вспомогательного реле стартера. Ниже – предохранитель проводки розетки прикуривателя, а также вспомогательного реле стартера. Нижний – сервомотор переключения режимов полного и заднего привода, а также звукового сигнала, переключателей и индикаторов приборной панели.

И ещё один – главный предохранитель – расположен на корпусе реле стартера. Для доступа к нему необходимо снять разъём. Номинал предохранителя – 20 А. Без этого предохранителя не будет работать никакая электрика.

Запасной предохранитель на 20 А тщательно заныкан на корпусе снизу реле стартера. Снимите реле со своего места, переверните, и вы увидите предохранитель.

Надеюсь, вам поможет эта информация.

  • Page 2 9. When more than two people are operating, keep reminding each other for safety purpose. Cautions for removal and installation 1. Use genuine CFMOTO parts, lubricants and service products. 2. Clean mud, dust before servicing. 3. Store the removed components separately in order for correct installation.
  • Page 3 01 GENERAL INFORMATION 15. Install the one-side dust-proof bearing in the right direction. When assembling the open type or double-side dust-proof bearing, install with manufacturer’s mark outward. 16. Keep the bearing block still when blowing dry the bearing after washing clean. Apply oil or lubricant before installation.
  • Page 4 01 GENERAL INFORMATION LOCATION OF VIN/EIN Model Number CF800 1. Vehicle identification number(VIN): LCELVYZ4 ~ 2. Engine identification number(EIN): 2V91W ~ 01-3...
  • Page 5 01 GENERAL INFORMATION Item Specifications Model type CF800 Overall length 2870mm Overall width 1510mm Overall height 1830mm Wheelbase 2040mm Engine type 2V91W Displacement 800ml Fuel type and Octane No. RQ-93 or higher unleaded gasoline Dry weight 552kg ± 15Kg Passengers...
  • Page 6 01 GENERAL INFORMATION I t e m Sp e c i fi c a t i on s A i r fi l t e r t y p e P a p e r fi l t e r e l e m e n t A i r i n ta k e Ty p e 0800-173000...
  • Page 7: Lubrication System

    01 GENERAL INFORMATION Lubrication System Item Standards Service Limit Oil Change 2800ml(without oil filter replacement) Oil Change 2900ml(with oil filter replacement) Engine OiL Capacity Oil Capacity 3000ml Oil Inside the Oil Radiator Add 500mL after the first start, add and Hoses 450mL after the maintenance.
  • Page 8 01 GENERAL INFORMATION Cooling System S e r v i c e I t e m Sta nd a rd s l im i t F u l l c a p a c i t y 3 0 0 0 m l C a p a c i t y o f 38 0 ~6 0 0 m l C o o l a n t c a p a c i t y...
  • Page 9: Front Wheel

    01 GENERAL INFORMATION Front Wheel Item Sta nd a rd v a lu e S e r v i c e l im i t L o n g i t u d e 1 . 0 m m 2.0mm R i m j u m p Tr a n s v e rs e 1 .
  • Page 10 01 GENERAL INFORMATION I t e m Sta n d a rd s Typ e Magneto 3 - p h a s e AC g e n e r a t o r O u t p u t 3 - p h a s e AC o u t p u t 0.2Ω...
  • Page 11 01 GENERAL INFORMATION Item Standard value Service limit Remarks Intake valve Φ33 -— Dia. Of valve neck Exhaust valve Φ29 -— Thickness of valve neck Intake/Exhaust Intake 0.06-0.14 -— Valve clearance(cold engine) Exhaust 0.11-0.19 -— Inner dia. Of valve guide Intake/Exhaust 5.000-5.012 5.045...
  • Page 12 01 GENERAL INFORMATION Cylinder, Piston, Piston Ring & Crankshaft Item Standards Service limit Remarks Cylinder compression 1000kPa Piston/Cylinder clearance 0.03-0.05 0.10 Flatness of cylinder top and bottom 0.03 0.05 surface 1st ring 0.25-0.40 Gap of piston ring 2nd ring 0.35-0.45 Oil ring 0.2-0.7 1st ring...
  • Page 13: Tightening Torque

    01 GENERAL INFORMATION Clutch + CVT + Gearbox Item Standard value Service limit Remarks Inner dia. of clutch friction disc 140.00-140.15 140.5 Clutch engagement RPM 1800-2400r/min Clutch locking RPM 3300-3900r/min Belt width 33.5 34.5 (Cord layer) Free length of driven pulley spring 238.5 Hole dia.
  • Page 14 01 GENERAL INFORMATION Fasteners not included in below table should also be torqued to specification. Note: Threads and contact area should be applied by engine oil. Ref. No. Items Part number Torque Front mount bolt, engine GB5789 M12× 1.25× 190 50~60 Mount bolt, rear and left side of engine GB5789 M10×...
  • Page 15 01 GENERAL INFORMATION Item Dia. Of thread(mm) Torque (N.m) Remarks Bolt M14X1.5 M14× 1.5 Plug screw, oil passage of left crankcase ZM14 Apply glues Oil drain boltM12× 1.5 M12× 1.5 Flange bolt M8×12.5 (left crankcase) M8× 12.5 Screw R 1/8 (oil passage) Apply glues Nut M6(right crankcase) Stud AM6×35-8.8 (right crankcase)
  • Page 16 01 GENERAL INFORMATION To be continued Torque Item Thread Dia. (mm) Remarks (N.m) Nut, drive shaft(CVT drive pulley) M20× 1.5 Threadlocker Nut,main shaft(CVT driven pulley) M20× 1.5 Threadlocker Lock nut, bevel gear M22× 1 Bolt M8x28(bearing seat, drive bevel gear) M8×...
  • Page 17 01 GENERAL INFORMATION Engine Service Tools Item Tool name Specifications Purposes Vernier caliper 0-150mm Measure length and thickness Micrometer 0-25mm Measure outer diameter of rocker arm shaft, valve stem, camshaft Dial gauge 25-50mm Measure Max. travel of camshaft Dial gauge 75-100mm Measure size of piston skirt Inner dia.
  • Page 18 01 GENERAL INFORMATION Service Tools Part number Tool name Purposes 0800-000000-871-001 Joint, oil hose Measure oil pressure Remover, bearing 60/28 of left 0800-014001-922-003 Remove bearing 60/28 crankcase 0800-014001-921-002 Press tool, bearing of left crankcase Press bearing 0800-041000-922-001 Screw, locking crankshaft Lock crankshaft 0800-031000-922-001 Remover, magneto rotor...
  • Page 19 01 GENERAL INFORMATION 0800-062301-923-001 Installer, front output shaft Install front output shaft 0800-062206-922-001 Nut sleeve, driven bevel gear bearing Install/remove nut of driven bevel gear Install oil seal of driven bevel gear 0800-062204-923-001 Press tool, oil seal of driven bevel gear 34×50×7 Measure backlash between drive 0800-062000-922-001...
  • Page 20 01 GENERAL INFORMATION Lubricants and Service Products Item Type Lubrication points Remarks SAE15W-40 Cylinder, Crankcase, Cylinde Engine oil API: SG or higher head, see page(10-3) (Alternative please see page 1-6) Molybdenum Piston pin, valve stem, valve disulfide grease oil seal, camshaft Oil seal, O-ring and other rubber seals.
  • Page 21 01 GENERAL INFORMATION MIL is located at position No. 1. When the light flashes, it will indicate there’s something wrong in vehicle. The flash code consists of 4 digits. Example 0650 “0” means flash 10 times. “6” means flash 6 times. ...
  • Page 22 02 BODY AND MUFFLER Maintenance Information…………………..2-1 Seat, Shift Lever, Shiftgear Cover....2-8 Air filter&Battery Cover, LH&RH Bumper Pan Hood, Front LH& RH Panel, Front Fender..2-2 el..............Front LH&RH Fascia, Front LH&RH Fender Rear Lower&Upper Panel, LH&RH Cargo Box Flare, Front LH&RH Bumper Protector..
  • Page 23 02 BODY AND MUFFLER Hood Removal Push the release lever No. 1. Remove the hood No. 2. LH Panel, Front Fender Removal Remove the plastic rivet no. 3. 1. Release lever 2. Hood Remove the front LH wheel fender 4. Installation Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
  • Page 24 02 BODY AND MUFFLER Front Fascia, LH Removal Remove the LH panel, front fender.(→2-2) Remove the plastic rivet No. 1. Remove the front fascia, LH. Installation Reverse the removal procedure for installation. Front Fascia, RH Refer to FRONT FASCIA, LH Removal& Instal- 1.
  • Page 25 02 BODY AND MUFFLER Lower Panel, Front Removal Remove the plastic rivet. Remove the bolt M6X14. Remove the lower panel, front no.3. Installation Reverse the removal procedure for installation. Center Panel, Front 1. Bolt M6X14 2. Plastic rivet Removal front protector, LH&RH.(→2-3) Remove the (→2-4) Remove the lower panel, front.
  • Page 26 02 BODY AND MUFFLER Front Glove Compartment Removal Remove the hood(→2-2). Remove the self-tapping screw 1. Remove the bolt 3. Remove the front glove compartment. Installation Reverse the removal procedure for installation. 1. Shift Lever 2. Lock Nut Front Roll Cage Removal Remove the hex cap bolt.
  • Page 27 02 BODY AND MUFFLER 1. Plastic rivet 2. Rear Fascia, LH 3. Plastic rivet 4. Bolt 5. Left panel 6. Plastic rivet 7. Front grille 02-7...
  • Page 28 02 BODY AND MUFFLER The Driver Seat Removal Pull the seat release handle 1. Pull the driver seat over to the front to remove it. The Passenger Seat Refer to The Driver Seat Removal. 1. Seat release handle 2. Seat Shift Lever Removal Loose the shift gear lever lock nut No.4.
  • Page 29 02 BODY AND MUFFLER Air Filter Cover Removal Remove the bolt M6X14. Remove the air filter cover. Installation Reverse the removal procedure for installation. Battery Cover Removal Remove the bolt M6X14. Remove the battery cover. 1. Bolt M6X14 2. Air filter cover Installation Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
  • Page 30 02 BODY AND MUFFLER Lower Panel, Rear Removal Remove the rear RH protector(→2-9). Remove the bolt M6 ᵡ 14. Remove the Lower panel, rear 2. Installation Reverse the removal procedure for installation. RH Cargo Box Fascia Remove bolt 3. Remove the RH cargo box fascia. 1.
  • Page 31 02 BODY AND MUFFLER Service Cover Removal Remove the bolt M6 ᵡ 14. Remove the service cover. Installation Reverse the removal procedure for installation. LH connection panel Removal Remove the LH panel, rear fender. Remove the Rear fascia, LH. 1. Service Cover 2.
  • Page 32 02 BODY AND MUFFLER Rear Cargo Box Removal Remove the LH&RH panel, rear fender.(→2-5) Remove the LH&RH Rear fascia.(→2-7) Remove the front grille.(→2-7) Remove the seat.(→2-8) Remove the rear LH&RH protector.(→2-9) Remove the LH&RH cargo box fascia.(→2-10) Remove the rear panel.(→2-10) Remove the rear upper panel(→2-10) Remove the LH&RH connection panel.(→2-10) Remove the service cover.(→2-11)
  • Page 33 02 BODY AND MUFFLER Document Box Removal Remove the hood.(→2-2) Remove the front glove compartment.(→2-6) Remove the front fender.(→2-6) Remove the bolt 1. Remove the document box. Installation Reverse the removal procedure for installation. Fuel Tank Cover 1. Bolt 2. Document Box Removal Remove the LH panel, rear fender.(→2-5) Remove the Rear fascia, LH.(→2-7)
  • Page 34: Footboard Removal

    02 BODY AND MUFFLER Footboard Removal Remove the LH&RH panel, front fender.(→2-2) Remove the LH&RH front fascia.(→2-3) Remove the LH&RH panel, rear fender.(→2-5) Remove the LH&RH Rear fascia.(→2-7) Remove the LH&RH panel.(→2-7) Remove the front grille.(→2-7) Remove the seat.(→2-8) Remove the gear shift cover.(→2-8) Remove the shift lever.(→2-8) 1.
  • Page 35 02 BODY AND MUFFLER Front Console Panel Removal Remove the LH&RH panel, front fender.(→2-2) Remove the hood.(→2-2) Remove the LH&RH front fascia.(→2-3) Remove the LH&RH front fender flare.(→2-3) Remove the dashboard.(→2-4) Remove the front fender.(→2-6) Remove the LH&RH panel.(→2-7) Remove the center console cover.(→2-10) Remove the brake pedal.(→2-10) Remove the document box.(→2-13) Remove the footboard.(→2-14)
  • Page 36 02 BODY AND MUFFLER Front Console Panel Removal Remove the LH&RH panel, front fender.(→2-2) Remove the hood.(→2-2) Remove the LH&RH front fascia.(→2-3) Remove the LH&RH front fender flare.(→2-3) Remove the dashboard.(→2-4) Remove the front fender.(→2-6) Remove the LH&RH panel.(→2-7) Remove the center console cover.(→2-10) Remove the brake pedal.(→2-10) Remove the document box.(→2-13) Remove the footboard.(→2-14)
  • Page 37 03 INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT Maintenance Information……......3-1 Suspension System………….……....3- 9 Maintenance Interval…………………....3-2 Shift Linkage, Fuel System….....….3-10 Maintenance Procedure……………....3-3 Throttle Lever……………………....……3-11 Steering Column, Brake System…......3-5 Cooling System………………………..….3-12 Wheel……………………………………....3-7 Lighting System………………………....3-14 MAINTENANCE INFORMATION Operation Cautions WARNING: ● Engine exhaust contains poisonous carbon dioxide and can cause loss of consciousness resulting in severe injury or death.
  • Page 38 03 INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT Maintenance Intervals Careful periodic maintenance will assure your vehicle good performance, reliability, economy and du- rability. Inspection, adjustment, lubrication and other details are explained in below periodic maintenance chart. ATTENTION Maintenance intervals in the following chart are based upon average riding conditions. Vehicles subjected to severe use must be inspected and serviced more frequently.
  • Page 39: Inspection And Adjustment

    03 INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT Inspection Item Maintenance Interval Every Criteria Task Item Daily Yearly Months Handlebar Agility ○ Damage ○ Steering Steering Installing condition ○ System System Free play of ball joint ○ Free play ○ ○ Brake Lever Braking performance ○...
  • Page 40 03 INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT FR Diff Leaks&lubrication ○ ○ Transmission FR Diff Leaks&lubrication ○ ○ System Transmission Leaks&oil level ○ ○ Looseness of ○ ○ Transmission connection Propshaft System Free play of splines ○ Spark plug clearance Spark plug condition ○...
  • Page 41 03 INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT STEERING COLUMN Position the vehicle on level ground. Grip the steering wheel and shake the steering wheel and shake the steering wheel in the direction as illus- trated in the right figure to check for free play. If there is a free play, determine the source of it.
  • Page 42 03 INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT MASTER CYLINDER Check brake fluid level. If the brake fluid level is below the mark“lower”, check master cylinder, brake lines and connec- tions for leaks. Open the reservoir cap. Add DOT 3 or DOT 4 brake fluid only. Never ex- ceed the mark no.
  • Page 43 03 INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT WHEEL Position the vehicle on level ground. Elevate the appropriate side of the vehicle by placing a suit- able stand or other tool under the footrest frame. Push and pull the wheel to check for free play or looseness.
  • Page 44 03 INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT TIRE PRESSURE Use tire pressure gauge to measure tire pressure. CAUTION: Measure tire pressure when the tire is cold. Maintain proper tire pressure. Im- proper inflation may affect ATV maneu- verability, comfort, or uneven wear to dif- ferent tires.
  • Page 45 03 INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT AXLE NUTS AND AXLE Check wheel nut No. 1 and axle nuts No. 2 for looseness. If axle nuts are loose, torque them to specified values. Torque Specification: Wheel Nut: 130 -150 N· m (13. 2 kgf· m- 13.3 kgf· m) Axle Nut: 70- 80 N·...
  • Page 46 03 INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT Shock Absorber Adjustment Rotate the adjuster cam No. 2 clockwise with a special tool to decrease the spring tension or counter-clockwise to increase the spring tension. 1. Recovery damping adjuster 2. Spring preload adjuster 3. Compression damping adjuster SHIFT LINKAGE Shift to check shift for smoothness.
  • Page 47 03 INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT Throttle Pedal Inspection Inspect that if the throttle pedal can return to rest position freely when released. Inspect throttle cable for free play. Free Play:3 - 5 mm Adjust throttle cable if free play is out of specifica- tion 1.
  • Page 48 03 INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT COOLING SYSTEM CAUTION: ● For safety, check the coolant level in the reser- voir tank, not radiator. Never open the pressure cap when the engine is hot(more than 100 Escaping steam can cause severe burns. The engine must be cool before removing pressure cap.
  • Page 49 When the coolant level is below the mark No. 1- ”LOWER”, remove the reservoir tank cap and add coolant to the mark No. 2-”UPPER”. Recommended Coolant: CFMOTO cool- ant. Standard Mixture Ratio: 50%(The freezing temperature varies according to the mix- ture ratio.
  • Page 50 03 INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT Coolant Gauge Inspection The indicator should point at 0 when the engine is not working. Start the engine to check coolant gauge for response. If the indicator doesn’t work, determine the cause and take a repair. LIGHTING Headlight Beam Adjustment 1.
  • Page 51 03 INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT Muffler Spark Arrestor Remove 3 bolts no. 1. Remove the spark arrestor no. 2. NOTICE: Clean the Carbon Deposits Regularly. 1. Bolt 2. Spark Arrestor 03-15...
  • Page 52 04 COOLING SYSTEM COOLING SYSTEM SERVICE TOOLS Description Page Test Cap 9010-180100-922-001 Special Puller 0800-014001-922-002 Bearing Puller 0800-014001-922-001 Press Tool, Oil seal 0110-080005-923-001 Press Tool, Bearing 0800-014001-921-003 Press Tool, Water seal 152MI-081004-921-001 SERVICE PRODUCTS Description Page Coolant Engine Oil Loctite 5699 04-1...
  • Page 53 04 COOLING SYSTEM Radiator 04-2...
  • Page 54 04 COOLING SYSTEM Water pump 04-3...
  • Page 55 04 COOLING SYSTEM GENERAL WARNING Never start engine without coolant. Some engine parts such as the rotary seal on water pump shaft can be damaged. During installation,use the torque values and service products as in the exploded views. Clean threads before applying a thread- locker.
  • Page 56: Coolant Replacement

    To avoid potential burns,don’t remove the ra- diator cap or loosen the cooling drain plug if the engine is hot. Use CFMOTO premixed coolant or a blend of 50% antifreeze with 50% water. To avoid antifreeze deterioration,always use the same brand. Never mix different brands unless cooling system is completely flushed and refilled.
  • Page 57 04 COOLING SYSTEM Partially unscrew cooling drain plug located be- low water pump housing. When cooling system is drained completely, remove cooling drain plug completely and install a new washer. Screw the cooling drain plug and torque it to 10N m (89Ibf.in) Under LH Footrest 1.
  • Page 58 04 COOLING SYSTEM With vehicle on a flat surface,engine cold,refill ra- diator. When the coolant comes out by the thermostat housing hole,install the bleeding screw with its washer and torque to 5 N.m (44 Ibf.in). Fill up the radiator and install radiator cap. Fill the reservoir tank and keep the coolant level even at “LOWER”...
  • Page 59 04 COOLING SYSTEM Thermostat Test To check thermostat, put it in water and heat wa- ter. Thermostat should open when water temperature reaches 65 (149). Check if the seal ring is brittle, hard or damaged. If so, replace the seal ring. Thermostat Installation During the installation, reverse the removal procedure,pay attention to the following details.
  • Page 60 04 COOLING SYSTEM Radiator Installation Reverse the removal procedure for installation. Pay attention to the following details. RESERVOIR TANK The coolant expands as the temperature (up to C to 110 C (212 to 230 F)) and pressure rise in the system. If the limiting system working pressure cap is reached 110kPa(16PSI),the pressure relief valve in the temperature cap is lifted from its seat and...
  • Page 61 04 COOLING SYSTEM RADIATOR FAN RELAY Installation NOTE: Relay may be inverted by 180 at installa- tion and it will work correctly. Ensure to align tabs of relay with terminals of fuse holder at installa- tion. Relay Operation Test The easiest way to check the relay is to remove it and bypass it with a jumper.
  • Page 62 04 COOLING SYSTEM Connect battery as follows. Terminals Resistance 0.5 Ω max. (continuous) If relay fails any test, replace it. RADIATOR FAN Operation The thermal switch controls the radiator opera- tion. Radiator fan should turn on when coolant temperature reaches 88 C (190.4 F) and should turn off when the coolant cools down at 84...
  • Page 63 04 COOLING SYSTEM Removal Remove radiator shroud. Remove the bolts. Remove the radiator fan. Installation Reverse the removal procedure for installation. WATER PUMP HOUSING It’s located on the engine MAG side. 04-12...
  • Page 64 04 COOLING SYSTEM Removal WARNING To avoid potential burns,don’t remove the ra- diator cap or loosen the cooling drain plug if the engine is hot. Drain the cooling system. Remove outlet hose from water pump housing. Remove screws retaining water pump housing. Pull water pump to remove it.
  • Page 65 04 COOLING SYSTEM Using appropriate pliers,remove and discard the retaining ring securing water pump gear on water pump shaft. Remove water pump gear. Remove needle pin and gasket of water pump shaft. 1. Water Pump Impeller Assembly To remove water pump impeller assembly from 2.
  • Page 66 04 COOLING SYSTEM Using an puller,remove outer part of rotary seal. Install puller snugly against outer part and pull ro- tary seal out. Using a bearing puller(P/ N: 0800-014001-922- 001), remove water pump bearing(If it’s neces- sary to replace the water pump bearing). 1.
  • Page 67 04 COOLING SYSTEM CAUTION: Be careful not to damage the rotary seal surface. Inspection Check impeller for cracks or other damages. Re- place impeller if damaged. Inspect water pump intermediate gear and water pump gear for cracks,wear and other damages(especially on the snap mechanism to the needle pin).Replace if necessary.
  • Page 68 04 COOLING SYSTEM Place appropriate cushion blocks under the crankcase cover to keep it level. Using bearing pusher to push the bearing into left crankcase press fit area. NOTE: The left crankcase cover may be dam- aged if no appropriate cushion bolts placed under Apply loctite(silicone sealant) on stationary seal surface.
  • Page 69 04 COOLING SYSTEM Install the water pump impeller assembly with ro- tary seal into left crankcase cover. NOTE: Before water pump impeller installation, clean the rotary seal and stationary seal surface, or water may enter the crankcase. Install thrust washer on water pump shaft. Push impeller by hand to fully expose shaft hole that needle pin can be installed.
  • Page 70 04 COOLING SYSTEM Install water pump intermediate shaft and ensure its end with chamfer points outside. Install water pump intermediate gear on shaft. For remaining parts installation, reverse their re- moval procedure. Assemble the other parts base on reverse se- quence of removal.
  • Page 71 04 COOLING SYSTEM T1: 4N·m(36lbf·in) 04-20...
  • Page 72 04 COOLING SYSTEM Fan is one of the cooling system. Note Parts that need to be tightened by torque wrench must obey the torque. The locking mechanism, such as locking piece, cotter pin, elastic damping ring, etc., installation or even replacement is necessary.
  • Page 73 05 ENGINE REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION Maintenance information…………..5-1 Buckle Bracket........Front differential and rear gearcase re- Engine removal and installation ..5-2 moval and installation......Muffler..........5-5 Shift linkage removal and installation.. 5-9 MAINTENANCE INFORMATION Operation Cautions: When performing engine removal and installation, use jack or other appropriate tools to securely support the vehicle.
  • Page 74 05 ENGINE REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION ENGINE REMOVAL Remove plastics (VEHICLE BODY AND MUF- FLER, Chapter 2). Remove air filter (AIR INTAKE system). Remove throttle body(ELECTRICAL SYSTEM). Drain coolant. Drain engine oil. Remove radiator inlet hose clamp. 1. Coolant Drain Plug 2. Oil Drain Plug Remove radiator inlet hose.
  • Page 75 05 ENGINE REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION Remove the spark plug cap no. 1 from the cylin- der no. 1(front). Remove the spark plug cap no. 2 from the cylin- der no. 2(rear). 1. Spark Plug Cap , Front Cylinder Take starter motor positive terminal sleeve off. Remove the nut and starter motor positive cable no.
  • Page 76 05 ENGINE REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION Remove the 4 bolts no. 1 to disconnect front propshaft from engine. 1. Bolts Remove the 4 bolts no. 1 to disconnect rear prop- shaft from engine. Remove CVT inlet hose clamp no. 2. Remove CVT inlet & outlet hose. Remove draft fan outlet hose clamp no.
  • Page 77 05 ENGINE REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION Muffler Muffler Removal Remove 3 springs no. 1. Remove bolt no. 2. Remove muffler no. 3. 1. Springs 2. Bolt 3. Muffler Center Exhaust Pipe Removal Remove muffler(→5-5). Remove 3 springs no. 5. Remove 2 bolts no. 6. Remove exhaust pipe. Front Exhaust Pipe Removal Remove muffler(→5-5).
  • Page 78 05 ENGINE REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION Engine Removal Remove shift rod bolt no. 1. Disconnect shift rod from engine. 1. Shift rod bolt Remove front engine mount bolt no. 2. Remove the engine. 2. Front engine mount bolt 3. Rear engine mount bolts 05-6...
  • Page 79: Engine Installation

    05 ENGINE REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION ENGINE INSTALLATION After placing engine on the vehicle, install engine mounting bolts and nuts (front left) first, then (front right) and(rear). Install engine inlet/outlet coolant hoses/oil pipes by clamps onto the engine. Connect starter motor positive/negative cables. Connect all connectors. Install CVT breather duct, spark plus cap. Install shifting plate, air filter, throttle body and other re- moved parts.
  • Page 80 05 ENGINE REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION Remove front differential mounting bolts & nuts. Remove rear gearcase mounting bolts & nuts . 1. Bolt 2. Bolt Remove the 8 bolts which connect propshafts and gearcases(see Chapter 5-6 , bolt 5). Remove propshafts, gearcases, and brake discs. Installation Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
  • Page 81 05 ENGINE REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION SHIFT LINKAGE Removal Remove shift lever cover(→2-8). Remove air filter cover(→2-8). Remove center side cover(→2-12). Remove shift arm. Remove the 3 bolts of shift bracket and then re- move the linkage. 1. Shift Lever 2. Bolt 3. Shift Rod Bolt Installation Reverse the removal procedure for installation. After installation, check shift to check for smooth- ness and agility.
  • Page 82 06 AIR INTAKE SYSTEM AIR INTAKE SYSTEM SERVICE PRODUCTS Description Part Number Page Air Filter Cleaning Solution 06-1...
  • Page 83 06 AIR INTAKE SYSTEM AIR FILTER HOUSING 6 N.m(53 lbf.in) 6 N.m(53 lbf.in) 2.5 N.m(22 lbf.in) 2.5 N.m(22 lbf.in) 6 N.m(53 lbf.in) 06-2...
  • Page 84 06 AIR INTAKE SYSTEM GENERAL During assembly/installation, use the torque values and service products as in the exploded views. Clean threads before applying a thread- locker. Refer to LUBRICANTS AND SERVICE PRODUCTS at the beginning of this manual for complete procedure. WARNING Torque wrench must be used when tighten- ing.
  • Page 85 06 AIR INTAKE SYSTEM Rinse foam filter with warm water and let it dry completely. Blow low pressure compressed air on filter ele- ment to clean it. Air Filter Installation Properly reinstall removed parts in the reverse order of their removal. AIR FILTER HOUSING Air Filter Housing Removal Remove seat, side panels;...
  • Page 86 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER INTAKE MANIFOLD,CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER SERVICE TOOLS Description Page Spark plug spacer 0800-022800-922-001 Camshaft locking tool 0800-024001-922-001 Crankshaft locking bolt 0800-041000-922-001 Valve spring compressor clamp 0180-022006-922-001 Valve guide remover 0800-022102-922-001 Valve guide installer 0800-022102-922-002 Piston ring compressor 0800-040003-922-001...
  • Page 87 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER INTAKE MANIFOLD 6 N.m(53 lbf.in) Threadlocker 6 N.m(53 lbf.in) 0.5 N.m(5 lbf.in) Threadlocker 6 N.m(53 lbf.in) Threadlocker 0.5 N.m(5 lbf.in) 0.5 N.m(5 lbf.in) 20 N.m(15 lbf.ft) 07-2...
  • Page 88 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER CYLINDER HEAD I Threadlocker Engine Oil Engine Oil Engine Oil T1See Procedure Inside Threadlocker Threadlocker Engine Oil Engine Oil Engine Oil Threadlocker Engine Oil 60N.m (44 lbf.ft) 6N.m (53 lbf.in) 30N.m (22 lbf.ft) 4.5N.m (40 lbf.in) 20N.m (15 lbf.ft) 0.1N.m (0.89 lbf.in)
  • Page 89 CYLINDER HEAD II Engine T 1 S e e Procedure Inside Engine Oil Engine Oil Engine Oil Threadlocker Threadlocker Threadlocker Threadlocker Engine Oil T1 60N.m (44 lbf.ft) 6N.m (53 lbf.in) 30N.m (22 lbf.ft) 4.5N.m (40 lbf.in) T3 20N.m (15 lbf.ft) 0.1N.m (0.89 lbf.in) 12N.m (106 lbf.in) T10 16N.m (141 lbf.in)
  • Page 90 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER CYLINDERS AND PISTONS Engine Oil Engine Oil Engine Oil Engine Oil Engine Oil 07-5...
  • Page 91 GENERAL Components which are identical for both cylinders/ cylinder heads are identified in the two exploded views by the same number. Components which are different or which are, for instance, present of one of the cylin- ders/cylinder heads but not on the other, have differ- ent numbers.
  • Page 92 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER MAINTENANCE VALVE ADJUSTMENT NOTE: Check and adjust valve clearance only when engine is cold. Remove valve cover. Before checking or adjusting the valve clearance, turn crankshaft to TDC ignition of the respective cylinder, see CAMSHAFT.
  • Page 93 WARNING To prevent burning yourself only remove the radicator cap by wearing the appropriate safety equipment. Remove any parts to have access to engine cylinder heads. Unplug spark plug cable. Clean spark plug area and remove spark plug from cylinder head. 1.Spark Plug Cable 2.Spark Plug Remove valve cover.
  • Page 94 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER NOTE: If a dial gauge is not available, use a screw- driver or another similar suitable tool. CAUTION: Do not scratch or damage piston/ cylinder surface. NOTE: At ignition TDC the marks on the camshaft timing gear have to be parallel to cylinder head base as per following illustration.
  • Page 95 LEAK TEST Connect to adequate air supply. Set needle of measuring gauge to zero. NOTE: All testers have specific instructions on gauge operation and required pressure. Install gauge adapter into previously cleaned spark plug hole. Supply combustion chamber with air pressure. Note the amount or percentage of leakage(depending on tester).
  • Page 96 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER PROCEDURES INTAKE MANIFOLD Intake Manifold Removal Disconnect fuel pump control plug. Release fuel pressure by running engine until it runs out of gas. Remove seat, both side panels and fender. Refer to VEHICLE BODY AND MUFFLER. WARNING The fuel hose may be under pressure.
  • Page 97 VALVE COVER Cover Removal Remove distance screws of valve cover. 1.Distance Screws 2.Valve Cover Remove valve cover and gasket. Repeat the procedure for the other valve cover if required. Cover Inspection Check the gasket on the valve cover if it is brittle, cracked or hard.
  • Page 98 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER TIMING CHAIN TENSIONER NOTE: Before removal and installation, make sure that the respective cylinder is set to TDC ignition. Refer to CAMSHAFT. Tensioner Removal WARNING Timing chain tensioner is spring loaded. Never perform this operation immediately after the en- gine has been run because the exhaust system can be very hot.
  • Page 99 Tensioner Installation For installation, reverse the removal procedure. However, pay attention to the following. NOTE: Before installing the chain tensioner, make sure that the camshaft timing gear can be moved back and forth. Apply engine oil on the plunger before installing. NOTE: Slightly screw in the plunger until the timing chain allows no more back and forth movement of the...
  • Page 100 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER CAMSHAFT TIMING GEAR Gear Removal Remove valve cover. Turn crankshaft to TDC ignition of the respective cylinder, see CAMSHAFT. Unscrew timing chain tensioner. Remove camshaft timing gear screw. To prevent timing chain stretching during removal of camshaft timing gear screw, use the camshaft lock- ing tool(0800-024001-922-001).
  • Page 101 Gear Installation For installation, reverse the removal procedure. Pay attention to the following details. Clean mating surface and threads of camshaft prior to assembling camshaft timing gear. 1.Mating Surface on Camshaft 2.Threads for Camshaft Screw 07-16...
  • Page 102 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER Camshaft timing gear and crankshaft must be at TDC ignition before installing the timing chain. CAUTION: Crankshaft and camshaft must be locked on TDC ignition position to place cam- shaft timing gear and timing chain in the proper position.
  • Page 103: Rocker Arm Removal

    ROCKER ARM Rocker Arm Removal Remove valve cover. Remove chain tensioner and camshaft timing gear. Remove screw and camshaft retaining plate. 1.Cylinder Head 2.Screw 3.Camshaft Retaining Plate Remove rocker arm shafts. Remove rocker arm assembly(exhaust side and in- take side) with adjustment screws and nuts. 1.Rocker Arm Shaft 2.Rocker Arm,Exhaust 3.Rocker Arm,Intake...
  • Page 104: Rocker Arm Inspection

    07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER Remove thrust washers. CAUTION: Pay attention not to lose thrust washers or drop them into the timing chain compartment. 1.2 Thrust Washers 2.Rocker Arm,Exhaust 3.Cylinder Head Spark Plug Side 4.Big Taper to Spark Plug Side Rocker Arm Inspection Inspect each rocker arm for cracks and scored fric- tion surfaces.
  • Page 105 Rocker Arm Shaft Check for scored friction surfaces; if any, replace parts. Measure rocker arm shaft diameter. Rocker Arm Shaft Diameter New 11. 973-11.984mm (0.4714-0.4718in) Service Limit 11.960mm(0.4709in) Any area worn excessively will require parts replacement. A.Measure rocker arm shaft diameter here Rocker Arm Installation NOTE: Use the same procedure for exhaust and...
  • Page 106 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER CYLINDER HEAD Cylinder Head Removal The removal procedure is the same for both cylinder heads. Drain coolant(refer to COOLING SYSTEM). NOTE: Before removing cylinder head, blow out re- maining coolant by air pressure.During cylinder head removal, the remianing coolant in cylinder head could overflow into the engine and a little quantity of coolant could drop into engine.
  • Page 107: Cylinder Head Inspection

    Cylinder Head Inspection Inspect timing chain guide for wear, cracks or other damages, Replace if any. Check for cracks between valve seats, if any, replace cylinder head. Check mating surface between cylinder and cylinder head for contamination, if any, clean both surfaces. Clean oil support through the cylinder head from contamination.
  • Page 108 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER Install a NEW cylinder head gasket. First, torque cylinder head screws M10 in crisscross sequence to 20N.m(15 lbf.ft), then finish by tightening to 60N.m(44 lbf.ft). Install cylinder head screws M6. Check chain guide for movement. 1.Cylinder Head Screws M10 2.Cylinder Head Screws M6 CAMSHAFT...
  • Page 109 Camshaft Timing NOTE: If a piston(of cylinder 1 or 2) is set to TDCignition, the camshaft timing gear of the opposite cylinder must be in the following position. 1.Marks on Timing Gear of Opposite Cylinder 2.Cylinder Head Base Camshaft Timing Cylinder 2 Turn crankshaft until piston is at TDC ignition as fol- lows Remove spark plug of both cylinders.
  • Page 110 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER Remove the crankshaft position sensor (CPS). 1.Crankshaft Position Sensor(CPS) 2.Screw Use a 18mm socket to turn crankshaft until pistion 2 (rear) is at TDC ignition. 1.18mm Socket 07-25...
  • Page 111 When rear piston is at TDC ignition, marks on mag- neto flywheel” 2 “and on the left crankcase cover(centre of bore) are aligned. 1.Mark “2” on MAG Flywheel 2.Notch on MAG Cover 3.CPS Location At TDC ignition, the printed marks on the camshaft timing gear have to be parallel to cylinder head base.
  • Page 112 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER To lock crankshaft at TDC ignition, proceed as follows. Remove from crankcase plug screw with sealing ring. 1.Plug Screw 2.Sealing Ring 3.Crankcase PTO Side,Front Side Lock crankshaft with the crankshaft locking bolt (0800- 041000-922-001).
  • Page 113 Camshaft Timing Cylinder 1 Turn cylinder 2 to TDC ignition, see Camshaft Timing, Cylinder 2. NOTE: Do not lock crankshaft. 1.18mm Socket 2.Turn Crankshaft 280 Counterclockwise Use a 18mm socket, turn crankshaft 280 counterclockwise, until marks on magneto flywheel and left crankcase cover are aligned. 1.Mark “1”...
  • Page 114 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER NOTE: At TDC ignition, the printed marks on the camshaft timing gear have to be parallel to cylinder head base as per following illustration. CAUTION: Crankshaft can not be locked at cylinder 1 TDC ignition. Camshaft Removal The removal procedure is the same for both camshafts.
  • Page 115 Camshaft Inspection Replace parts that are not within specifications. Check each lobe and bearing journal of camshaft for scoring, scuffing,cracks or other signs of wear. Measure camshaft journal diameter and lobee height using a micrometer. Camshaft Cy linder1 Camshaft Lobe(exhaust) New 3 1.98-32.1mm (1.2591-1.2638in)
  • Page 116 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER CAMSHAFT INSTALLATION For installation, reverse the removal procedure. Pay attention to the following details. CAUTION: The camshafts are not identical in design. Do not invert the camshafts during assembly. Any mis-up of the components will lead to engine damage.
  • Page 117 VALVE SPRING Valve Spring Removal Remove rocker arm(see ROCKER ARM above).Re- move cylinder head(see CYLINDER HEAD above). Use valve spring compressor clamp(0180-022 006-922- 001)to compress valve spring. WARNING Always wear safety glasses when disassembling valve springs. Be careful when unlocking valves. Components could fly away because of the strong spring preload.
  • Page 118 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER Remove valve cotters. Withdraw valve spring compressor, valve spring retainer and valve spring. 1.Valve Spring Compressor Clamp 2.Valve Spring Compressor Cup 3.Valve Cotter Valve Spring Inspection Check valve spring for visible damages, If any, replace valve spring.
  • Page 119 VALVE Valve Removal Remove valve spring, see VALVE SPRING above. Push valve stem, then pull valves(intake and exhaust) out of valve guide. 1.Intake Valve 33mm 2.Exhaust Valve 29mm Remove valve stem seal with Snap-on pliers and dis- card it. Plier 1.Plier 2.Valve Stem Seal 07-34...
  • Page 120 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER Valve Inspection Valve Stem Seal Always install new seals whenever valves are removed. Valve Inspect valve surface, check for abnormal stem wear and bending. If out of specification, replace by a new one. Valve Out of Round (Intake and Exhaust Valves) New 0...
  • Page 121: Valve Installation

    Valve Face and Seat Check valve face and seat for burning or pittings and replace valve or cylinder head if there are signs of damage. Ensure to seat valves properly. Apply some lapping compound to valve face and work valve on its seat with a lapping tool(see Valve Guide Procedure below).
  • Page 122 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER VALVE GUIDE Valve Guide Removal Remove cylinder head(see CYLINDER HEAD above). Remove valves(see VALVE above) NOTE: Clean valve guide area from contamina- tion before removal. Use valve guide remover(0800-022102-922-001)and a hammer, drive the valve guide out of cylinder head. Valve Guide Remover 1.Valve Guide Remover 2.Valve Guide...
  • Page 123 Valve Guide Inspection Always replace valve stem seals whenever valve guides are removed. Clean the valve guide bore before reinstalling the valve guide into cylinder head. Valve Guide Inspection Reverse the removal procedure for installation.Pay attention to the following details. Use valve guide installer(0800-022102-922-002)to in- stall valve guide.
  • Page 124 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER Valve guide to be adjusted in diameter by using a reamer. Valve Guide Diameter (Intake and Exhaust Valves) New 5 .000-5.012mm(0.1969-0.1973in) NOTE: Ensure to turn reamer in the right direction. Use cutting oil and make brakes to clean reamer/ valve guide from metal shavings.
  • Page 125: Cylinder Inspection

    Cylinder Inspection Check cylinder for cracks, scoring and wear ridges on the top and bottom of the cylinder.If so, replace cylinder. Cylinder Taper Measure cylinder bore and if it is out of specifications, replace cylinder and piston rings. Measure cylinder bore at 3 recommended positions. See the following illustration.
  • Page 126 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER Cylinder Installation Reverse removal procedure for installation. Pay atten- tion to the following details. CAUTION: Always replace cylinder base gasket before installing cylinder. First mount cylinder 2.Then remove crankshaft lock- ing bolt(P/N 529 035 617). Turn engine to piston 1 at TDC, mount cylinder 1.Cylinder can not be pushed fully over the piston unless the piston is located at TDC.
  • Page 127 Push piston pin out of piston. Detach piston from connecting rod. 1.Piston 2.Piston Pin Piston Inspection Inspect piston for scoring, cracking or other damages. Replace piston and piston rings if necessary. Using a micrometer, measure piston at 8mm(0.315 in)perpendicularly(90)to piston pin. The measuring dimension should be as described in the following tables.
  • Page 128 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER Piston/Cylinder Clearance Adjust and lock micrometer to the piston dimension. With the micrometer set to the dimension, adjust a cylinder bore gauge to the micrometer dimension and set the indicator to 0(zero). Position the dial bore gauge 20mm(0.787 in)above cylinder base, measuring perpendicularly(90)to pis- ton pin axis.
  • Page 129: Piston Installation

    Connecting Rod/Piston Clearance Using synthetic abrasive woven, clean piston pin from deposits. Inspect piston pin for scoring, cracking or other damages. Measuring piston pin. See the following illustration for the proper measurement positions. Piston Pin Diameter New 21 .995-22.000mm (0.8659-0.8661in) Service Limit 21.980mm(0.7866in) Replace piston pin if diameter is out of specifications.
  • Page 130 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER Use the piston appropriate circlip installer (0800- 040005-922-001)to assemble the NEW piston circlip as per following procedure: CAUTION: Always replace disassembled piston circlip(s) by new ones. Place a rag on cylinder base to avoid dropping the circlip inside the engine.
  • Page 131 NOTE: Using a feeler gauge, check ring end gap.Replace ring Take care that the hook of the piston circlip if gap exceeds above described specified tolerance. is positioned properly. PISTON RINGS Ring Removal Remove the piston(see above). PISTON Ring Inspection Ring/Piston Groove Clearance Using a feeler gauge measure each ring/piston groove clearance.
  • Page 132 07 INTAKE MANIFOLD, CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER Ring Installation Reverse the removal procedure for installation. NOTE: First install spring and then rings of oil scraper ring. Install oil scraper ring first, then piston ring(2) with the word “N and TOP” facing up, then piston ring(1) with the word “N and TOP”...
  • Page 133 08 CRANKCASE,CRANKSHAFT,GEARBOX CRANKCASE,CRANKSHAFT,TRANSMISSION SERVICE TOOLS Description Page Breather Oil Seal Installer 0800-011201-923-001 Installation Jig,Breather Gear Shaft 0800-011201-921-003 Press Tool,Breather Gear Shaft 0800-011201-921-001 Left Crankcse Support Sleeve 0800-011101-922-001 0800-012101-922-001 Right Crankcse Support Sleeve 0800-011102-922-001 Plain Bearing Remover/Installer 0800-041000-922-001 Crankshaft Locking Bolt 0180-060008-922-001 Wrench,Front Output Shaft Circlip 0800-060000-923-001...
  • Page 134 CRANKSHAFT 10 N.m(89 lbf.in) Engine oil Threadlocker Engine oil See procedure inside Engine oil Threadlocker Engine oil Engine oil See procedure inside Engine oil Engine oil 10 N.m(89 lbf.in) 08-2...
  • Page 135 08 CRANKCASE,CRANKSHAFT,GEARBOX CRANKCASE 25 N.m (18 lbf.ft) Engine oil 10 N.m (89 lbf.in) Engine oil 10 N.m (89 lbf.in) 25N.m (18 lbf.ft) 10 N.m (89 lbf.in) Engine oil Engine oil Engine oil 20 N.m 10 N.m (15 lbf.ft) (89 lbf.in) 08-3...
  • Page 136 GEARBOX 25 N.m (18 lbf.ft) 110 N.m (81 lbf.ft) Threadlocker Engine oil 145 N.m (107 lbf.ft) 32 N.m (24 lbf.ft) 15 N.m (11 lbf.ft) 10 N.m (89 lbf.in) 80 N.m (59 lbf.ft) Threadlocker Engine oil Engine oil 08-4...
  • Page 137 08 CRANKCASE,CRANKSHAFT,GEARBOX GENERAL During assembly/installation,use the torque value and serivce products as shown in the exploded view(s). WARNING Torque Wrench Tightening specifications must strictly be adhered to .Locking devices (e.g.:lock ing tabs ,elastic stop nuts ,self-locking fasteners, cotter pin,etc.)must be replaced with new ones where specified .
  • Page 138 1.Replace the oil seal of the breather gear. Inspection 2.Adequately oil the ball bearing of the breather gear. Inspection is the same for both timing chains. 3.All drive gears on the same plane. Check timing chain on camshaft timing gear for ex- 4.Replace the retainer ring no.10.
  • Page 139 08 CRANKCASE,CRANKSHAFT,GEARBOX The installation essentially the reverse of the remove procedure ,but pay attention to the follow details: Note:Ensure to perform proper valve timing .lock crank- shaft (see crankshaft)and camshaft at TDC ignition (refer to intake manifold ,cylinder head and cylinder section).Install timing chain with camshaft timing gear then ,adjust chain tension (refer to intake manifold , cylinder head and cylinder section).Loosen crankshaft...
  • Page 140 -Cylinder head and cylingder(refer to INTAKE MANIFOLD,CYLINDER HEAD AND CYLINDER) -Timing chain,tensioner and guide.(refer to TIMING CHAIN,TENSIONER AND GUIDE). Remove all bolts of crankcase. 1.11 bolt M6X45 2.4 bolt M8X60 3.4 bolt M8X50 4.2 bolt M6X50 5.1 bolt M6X80 Carefully split crankcase halves by using a soft ham- mer .
  • Page 141 08 CRANKCASE,CRANKSHAFT,GEARBOX Crankcase inspection Check crankcase halves for cracks or other damage. replace if necessary. Check plain bearing for scoring or other damages. NOTE: Measure plain bearing inside diameter and compare to magneto and CVT side journal diameter of crankshaft(refer to CRANKSHAFT).Replace if the measurements are out of specification.
  • Page 142 NOTE: Place proper crankcase support sleeve un- der the crankcase halves before installing the plain bearings(refer to bearing removal procedure). Carefully press-in the plain bearings in the same di- rection as during disassembly,from then crankcase inside towards the outside. During disassembly ,make sure not to damage the sealing surface of the crankcase halves.
  • Page 143 08 CRANKCASE,CRANKSHAFT,GEARBOX Crankcase Assembly The assembly procedure of crankcase is the reverse of disassembly procedure.However,pay attention to the following details. 1. Clean oil passages and make sure they are not clogged. 2. Clean all metal components. 3. Carefully clean contact surface between left and right crankcase.
  • Page 144 Crankshaft Locking Procedure NOTE: When crankshaft is locked, rear cylinder (cylinder No.2) is at TDC ignition, crankshaft cannot locked at TDC of front cylinder (Cylinder No.1) Remove: Spark plug cable and spark plugs of both cylinders Valve covers of both cylinders Plug cover and gasket of plug cover 1.Gasket 2.Plug Cover...
  • Page 145 08 CRANKCASE,CRANKSHAFT,GEARBOX Screw and gasket washer 1.Screw 2.Washer 3.Left crankcase Use 18mm socket to rotate crankshaft until piston of cylinder No.2 is at TDC ignition. 1.18mm Socket 08-13...
  • Page 146 When piston of rear cylinder is at TDC, Marks on magneto flywheel and magneto cover are aligned. 1. Mark “2” on magneto flywheel 2.Notch on magneto cover 3.CPS Location Use screwdriver to check if V-type groove of crank- shaft balancer is aligned with the hole. 1.Screwdriver Lock crankshaft with crankshaft locking bolt (P/N:0800- 041000-922-001).
  • Page 147 08 CRANKCASE,CRANKSHAFT,GEARBOX Crankshaft Removal Refer to CRANKCASE. Crankshaft Inspection NOTE: Check each bearing journal of crankshaft for scoring,scuffing,cracks and other signs of wear. NOTE: Replace the crankshaft if the gears are worn or otherwise damaged. CAUTION: Components with less than the ser- vice limit always have to be replaced.
  • Page 148 Measure the diameter of crankpin and compare to in- side diameter of connecting rod big end. Install screws of connecting rod and measure inside 1.Crankshaft diameter of connecting rod big end. A.Diameter of Crankpin Install bearing of connecting rod as original condition. Use below-mentioned methods and torque to tighten.
  • Page 149: Crankshaft Assembly

    NOTE: Oil inner surface of connecting rod plain bear- ing and crankshaft pin surface before installation. There is an oil passage plug at CFMOTO logo side of cylinder 1 and cylinder 2 connecting rod. 1.CFMOTO Logo Screw of connecting rod should be tightened by fol- 2.Plug of Oil Passage...
  • Page 150: Crankshaft Installation

    Improper installation will cause CAUTION: screw looseness and engine damage. ATTENTION: Bearing of connecting rod big end and piston pin rotation cannot be changed. Crankshaft Installation The procedure of crankshaft installation is the reverse of removal, but following detailes should be cared. Do not mix connecting rod of cylinder No.
  • Page 151 08 CRANKCASE,CRANKSHAFT,GEARBOX Ring Gear Removal Remove ring gear bearing carrier screws; Remove ring gear and adjustment shimshaft; Remove output shaft collar, O-ring, and oil seal; 1.Shaft Collar 2.O-ring 3.Oil seal 4.Screws 5.Ring Gear Comp. 6.Adjustment Shim Use protector to avoid ring gear damage, fasten bearing carrier and press ring gear out;...
  • Page 152 Use bench vice to fix bearing carrier, then remove bear- ing and use special wrench (0800-062206-922-001)to remove thrust nut, finally remove bearing. Ring Gear Inspection Inspect gear for any surface damage,wear. Replcae if necessary. Inspect bearing for operation condition. Ring Gear Installation Installation procedure is the reverse of removal procedure.Pay attention to the details Use oil seal installer (0800-062204-923-001) to install...
  • Page 153 08 CRANKCASE,CRANKSHAFT,GEARBOX Drive Pinion Gear Inspection Inspect drive pinion gear and output driven gear teeth for rusting,scratches,wear.Replace if necessary. Inspect if bearing turns freely and smoothly.Replace if necessary. When replacing any of crankcase,drive pinion gear, and drive pinion gear carrier,the adjustment shim should be readjusted.Refer to the content further.
  • Page 154 Tooth Contact After backlash adjustment is carried out,the tooth contact must be checked.Pay attention to the follow- ing procedures: Remove ring gear from crankcase; Clean and degrease drive pinion gear and ring gear teeth; Apply a coating of machinist’s layout dye or paste to several teeth of the driven gear;...
  • Page 155 08 CRANKCASE,CRANKSHAFT,GEARBOX Shift Lever Assembly Removal Remove shift lever cover screws; Remove shift lever cover and gasket; 1.Screws 2.Shift Lever Cover 3.Shift Lever Gasket Remove driven shift lever assembly; Remove drive shift lever assembly. 1.Screw 2.Driven Shift Lever Assembly 3.Drive Shift Lever Assembly Main Shaft,Driven Shaft Assembly,Shift Drum,Shift Fork/Shaft Removal Remove gearshift limit spring seat;...
  • Page 156 Split crankcase(see CRANKCASE); Remove gearshift driven shaft washer,driven lo range gear; 1.Washer 2.Driven Lo Range Gear Remove drive pinion gear assy; Remove gearshift main shaft by shifting to lo gear range; 1.Main Shaft 08-24...
  • Page 157 08 CRANKCASE,CRANKSHAFT,GEARBOX Remove gearshift driven shaft assy,shift drum,shift forks,parking lock lever; 1.Shift Drum 2.Shift Fork 3.Parking Lock Lever 4.Driven Shaft Assy Reverse Intermediate Gear Removal NOTE If reverse intermediate gear and needle bearing turn freely and smoothly,and clearance of them is normal,no need to remove them.
  • Page 158 Bearing Removal in Crankcase If necessary,heat crankcase up to 100 (212) be- fore bearing removal. WARNING Clean oil,outside and inside,from crankcase before heating. CAUTION: Always support crankcase properly when bearing is removed.Crankcase damages may occur if this procedure is not performed correctly.
  • Page 159 08 CRANKCASE,CRANKSHAFT,GEARBOX Measure shift fork pins. Shift Fork Pin Diameter(both) 7.9-7.95mm(0.311-0.313 in) 7.83mm(0.318 in) Service Limit A.Diameter of Shift Fork Pin Fit shift fork onto the shift fork shaft,then move the shaft as illustrated.Check if shift fork slides smoothly. Replace if necessary. Place shift fork shaft on a level surface and roll it.If any bending has been found,replace it with a new one.
  • Page 160 Inspect shift fork springs for damages.Replace if necessary. Shift Drum Inspect shift drum tracks for excessive wear and other damages. Inspect parking lock cam on shift drumfor excessive wear and other damages.Replace if necessary. Inspect limit washer for damages. Replace if necessary. Parking Lock Lever Check parking lock lever for cracks or other damages.
  • Page 161 08 CRANKCASE,CRANKSHAFT,GEARBOX Gearshift Main Shaft Check gearshift main shaft for damages. Check gear teeth of gearshift main shaft for pittings, scuffing and excessive wear.Replace if necessary. Measure main shaft neck diameter of two ends as shown.If the meassurements are less than the ser- vice limit,replace.
  • Page 162 Gears NOTE: Gears must be replaced in a pair.Always re- place circlip after removal. driven shaft output gear for reverse gear shifting gearshift sliding sleeve for high and low gear shifting Measure the width for engegement of shift fork.If the width is out of specification,replace the gear.
  • Page 163 08 CRANKCASE,CRANKSHAFT,GEARBOX Reverse Intermediate Gear Check reverse intermediate gear for damages.Mea- sure the inner diameter.If it’s out of specifiacation,re- place it. Reverse Intermediate Gear Inner Diameter 29.007-29.028 mm(1.1420-1.1428 in) Service Limit 29.032 mm(1.1430 in) 1.Reverse Intermediate Gear A.Inner Diameter Reverse Intermediate Gear Shaft Check reverse intermediate gear for damages.Mea- sure reverse intermediate gear shaft neck diameter If it’s out of specification,replace it.
  • Page 164 Check drive shift lever and driven shift lever for cracks, deformation,wear and other damages.Replace if necessary. Assembly Assembly procedure is the reverse of disassembly 1.Drive Shift Lever procedure.Pay attention to the following details: 2.Driven Shift Lever Always use a new circlip.Pay attention to the direc- tion when installing a new circlip.Perform the installa- tion as illustrated.
  • Page 165 08 CRANKCASE,CRANKSHAFT,GEARBOX Installation Crankcase installation procedure is the reverse to re- moval installation procedure.However,pay attention to the following details: Do not use a hammer to install ball bearing unless its structure is special.Only use a press tool to install a bearing.
  • Page 166 Install drive pinion gear assy then tighten the 4 retain- ing screws. 1.Screws 2.Drive Pinion Gear Place parking lock lever in parking position,then align shift drum tracks with shift forks and fit it in left crankcase.Shift parking lock lever to parking position, then align shift drum axial track with shift fork pin and fit it in the left crankcase.
  • Page 167 08 CRANKCASE,CRANKSHAFT,GEARBOX Install a new crankcase gasket NOTE: Always use a new crankcase after splitting crankcase. Place the right crankcase on the left crankcase.In- stall screws and torque to specifications. WARNING Do not turn shift drum before shift lever installa tion is completed. Install driven shift lever assy and drive shift lever assy.;...
  • Page 168 09 CVT AND CLUTCH CVT AND CLUTCH SERVICE TOOLS Decription Page Split tool,drive&driven pulley 0800-052000-922-003 Drive pulley oil seal installer 0800-051204-923-001 0180-051000-922-001 Drive pulley holder Driven pulley remover 0800-052000-922-002 Driven pulley holding wrench 0800-052000-922-001 Installer,clutch housing oil seal 0800-013104-923-001 Clutch housing damper 0180-053100-921-001 Clutch holding wrench 0180-054000-922-001...
  • Page 169 Threadlocker Retaining Threadlocker LH Threads Compound Threadlocker Engine Oil Engine Oil Threadlocker Engine Oil Threadlocker 115N m(85lbf ft) 70N m(52lbf ft) 10N m(89lbf in) 09-2...
  • Page 170 Never touch CVT while engine is running. Never drive vehicle when CVT cover is removed. WARNING Any drive pulley repairs must be performed by an authorized CFMOTO dealer.Subcomponent installation and assembly tolerances require strict adherence to procedures detailed. CAUTION: Never use any type of impact wrench at drive pulley removal and installation.
  • Page 171: Cvt Cover

    CVT COVER CVT Cover Removal Remove CVT cover screws Remove CVT cover comp.; Remove gasket. 1.Screw 2.CVT Cover 3.CVT Case 1.CVT Cover 2.Screw 3.Gasket 4.Dowel Pin CVT Cover Inspection Remove the bolts and retaining plate, the remove oil seal; Inspect bearing rotating condition.If any damage has been found,replace the bearing;...
  • Page 172 09 CVT AND CLUTCH CVT Cover Installation Reverse the removal procedure for CVT Cover installation. NOTE: Tighten bolts in criss-cross sequence; Replace new seal; After Installing oil seal retaining plate, apply threadlocker on screw threads. DRIVE BELT Drive Belt Removal Remove CVT cover and gasket(Refer to CVT Cover);...
  • Page 173: Drive Belt Inspection

    Drive Belt Inspection Check belt for cracks,fraying or abnormal wear. Replace if necessary. Check drive belt width at cord level. Replace if it is out of specification. Belt Width Service Limit:33.0mm(1.181 in) Tool:Vernire caliper 1.Drive Belt CAUTION: If belt surface is contaminated with 2.Cord in Drive Belt grease or oil, degrease the belt thoroughly.
  • Page 174: Drive Pulley

    09 CVT AND CLUTCH DRIVE PULLEY Drive Pulley Removal Remove CVT Cover no.2 (refer to CVT Cover); Remove drive pulley nut no.4 and drive pulley sliding sheave no.6; Remove driven pulley nut no.3 and driven pulley no.5; Remove drive belt(refer to Drive Belt); Remove drive pulley fixed sheave;...
  • Page 175 Cam, Sliders and Rollers Inspection Check Cam for wear and other damages. Replace if necessary. Check slider wear and other damages. Replace if necesary. Check each roller and sliding surface for wear and other damages, if any damage has been found,replace all rollers.
  • Page 176 09 CVT AND CLUTCH Primary sliding sheave and fixed sheave In- spection Check drive pulley faces for abnormal conditions.If any wear and damage has been found,replace it. 1.Drive Pulley Sliding Sheave Drive Pulley Sliding Sheave Installation 2.Drive Pulley Fixed Sheave Install 8 rollers into sliding sheave;...
  • Page 177: Drive Pulley Installation

    Drive Pulley Installation Reverse the removal procedure for instrallation NOTE: 1.If oil seal is inside the hole, apply grease inside the hole and oil seal lip CVT Drive Pulley Holder 2.If belt surface is stained with grease or oil, degrease the belt thoroughly.
  • Page 178 09 CVT AND CLUTCH DRIVEN PULLEY Disassembly NOTE: Before disassembly, mark on the spring installation holes and cam feet to sliders positions. 1.Cam and slider marks 2.Spring Installation Holes Marks As the illustration shows, place driven pulley on the special tool base. Turn special tool handle to compress the cam and 1.Driven Pulley Remover spring.Using a circlip remover(a plier),remove circlip.
  • Page 179: Driven Pulley Inspection

    Slowly loosen tool handle to release the spring tnesion and remove the special tool; Remove cam; Remove guide pin; Remove spring and sliding sheave of driven pulley. 1.Cam 2.Guide Pin 3.Spring 4.Sliding Sheave of Driven Pulley Driven Pulley Inspection Driven Pulley Fixed Sheave Inspection Check driven pulley faces for any abnormal conditions, such as heavy wear or visible damage.
  • Page 180 09 CVT AND CLUTCH Driven Pulley Sliding Sheave Inspection Inspect the drive face of sliding sheave for heavy wear and damage.Replace if necesary. 1.Drive Face of Sliding Sheave Inspect the 4 sliders on driven pulleyfor wear and other damages.If the worn thickness is over the measurement illustrated in the following figure, replace all 4 sliders at the same time.
  • Page 181 Cam Inspection Check spring cam sliding face for wear and other damages. replace if necessary. 1.Cam 2.Sliding Face Driven Pulley Spring Inspection Check spring free length. If it is shorter than limit length, replace it. Spring free limit length A:214.0mm. 1.Spring Driven Pulley Assembly Reverse the disassembly procedure for driven pulley...
  • Page 182 09 CVT AND CLUTCH CVT AIR GUIDE CVT Air Guide Removal Remove CVT cover(refer to CVT COVER); Remove drive pulley(refer to DRIVE PULLEY) Remove driven pulley(refer to DRIVEN PULLEY); 1.Screws 2.Air Guide Plate Remove drive belt(refer to DRIVE BELT); 3.Screw 4.Clutch Housing 5.Nut 6.Air Guide...
  • Page 183 CVT Air Guide and Clutch Inspection Check bearing for rotation condition,if any abnormal condition has been found, remove bolt and bearing plate to replace the bearing. Check oil sea,if any damage has been found, replace Check one-way clutch for wear and damage.Replace if necessary;...
  • Page 184 09 CVT AND CLUTCH CVT Air Guide and Clutch Housing Installa- tion Reverse the removal procedure for CVT air guide and clutch housing installation. NOTE: 1.Use new front and rear gasket.Keep them even on bases . 2.Fasten screws/nuts in criss-cross sequence. CLUTCH Removal Remove CVT cover (refer to CVT COVER);...
  • Page 185: Clutch Inspection

    Clutch Inspection Check clutch for debris,scratches, uneven wear and discolouration.Meanwhile,check clutch shoe depth, if no groove remains on any brake shoe, replace the clutch. Check one-way clutch for wear, if any damage has been found,replace it. NOTE: Clutch must be replaced as an assembly. 1.Clutch Shoe 2.Clutch Collar Clutch Installation...
  • Page 186 10 ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM SERVICE TOOLS Description Page Oil Pressure Gauge Adapter Hose SERVICE PRODUCTS Description Page Engine Oil Threadlocker 10-1...
  • Page 187 COMPONENTS Engine Oil Threadlocker Threadlocker Engine Oil Engine Oil Engine Oil M12X1.5 Threadlocker Threadlocker 20N m(15lbf in) 12N m(107lbf in) m(89lbf in) m(15lbf in) 10-2...
  • Page 188 10 ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM ENGINE LUBRICATION 1.Camshaft Bearings 5.Oil Strainer 2.Oil Pressure Switch 6.Oil Pump 3.Oil Filter 7.Crankshaft Main Bearings 8.Connecting Rod Bearing 4.Oil Pressure Regulator V alve 10-3...
  • Page 189 GENERAL Lubrication is employed to reduce the wear of some components,such as piston,crankshaft,camshaft,etc, which moves relative against other parts.Proper lubri- cation is the basis for engine normal operation. Recommended engine oil is required for this engine. Engine oil has cleaning,anti-rust,sealing,cooling and other functions besides lubrication.
  • Page 190 10 ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM Engine Oil Change Replace engine oil and filter element at the same time when engine is warm. WARNING The engine oil can be very hot.Wait until engine oil is warm. Place a drain pan under the engine oil drain plug area;...
  • Page 191 ENGINE OIL PRESSURE The engine oil pressure test should be done with a warm engine 90 (194) and the recommended engine oil. Remove engine oil pressure switch; Install engine oil pressure gauge and adapter hose. The engine oil pressure should be within the follow- ing values: Engine Oil Pressure Gauge O il Pr ess ur e...
  • Page 192 10 ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM OIL FILTER ELEMENT Removal Remove oil filter cover screws; Remove oil filter cover; Remove o-ring; Remove oil filter element. 1.Screw 2.Oil Filter Cover 3.O-ring 4.Oil Filter Element Oil Filter Element Inspection Check and clean the engine oil filter inlet and outlet area for dirt and other contaminations.
  • Page 193 Oil Filter Element Installation Install a NEW o-ring on oil filter cover; Apply engine oil on o-ring and the end of filter; Install the element into oil filter bore; Install the oil filter cover on the engine. 1.Apply a light coating of oil here Torque screws to 10 N m(89Ibf in).
  • Page 194 10 ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM OIL PUMP Oil pump is located on the engine MAG side(under magneto cover). 1.Oil Pump Removal Remove magneto cover and related parts(see Magneto Cover Removal); Remove magneto rotor(see Rotor Removal); Remove circlip,oil pump gear,needle pin,thrust washer in turn; 1.Circlip 2.Oil Pump Gear 3.Needle Pin 4.Thrust Washer Remove oil pump cover screws and oil pump cover;...
  • Page 195 Inspection Inspect oil pump for marks or other damages.Check for scratches in crankcase between outer rotor and oil pump bore.If so,replace damaged parts; 1.Oil Pump Bore 2.Outer Rotor 3.Oil Pump Shaft 4.Needle Pin 5.Inner Rotor Check inner rotor for corrosion pin holes or other damages.If so,replace oil pump shaft assembly.
  • Page 196 10 ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM If clearance between outer rotor and its bore in crankcase exceeds the tolerance,replace outer rotor assembly and/or crankcase. Using a depth gauge,measure the axial clearance of the oil pump as shown.Difference between measure- ments should not exceed 0.1mm(0.008in).If so, replace the inner and outer rotor.
  • Page 197 ENGINE OIL STRAINER The engine oil strainer no.7 is located on the bottom of left crankcase half. Removal Refer to Chapter 8. Cleaning and Inspection Clean engine oil strainer with a part cleaner then use an air gun to dry it. 1.Oil Strainer 2.Retaining Plate WARNING...
  • Page 198 10 ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEM Removal Remove engine inlet and outlet oil delivery pipe retaining screws; Remove engine inlet and outlet oil delivery pipes. 1.Inlet Oil Delivery Pipe 2.Outlet Oil Delivery Pipe 3.Holding Screw Remove the 4 mounting bolts then oil radiator; CAUTION: Drain the oil in the oil delivery pipe and oil radiator before removal...
  • Page 199 Oil Delivery Pipe Inspection 1.Engine Oil Outlet Union Bolt Inspect oil delivery pipe for leaks,cracks and other damages.If so,replace it; Always replace oil pipe clamp after removal. Oil Radiator Inspection and Cleaning Inspect radiator for deformation and bulge.If so,replace Use an air gun to clean the dirt on radiator fins; 1.Oil Radiator 2.Air Gun Inspect radiator fins for deformation.If so,use a small...
  • Page 200 11 MAGNETO SYSTEM MAGNETO SYSTEM Description Page Magneto Rotor Remover 0800-031000-922-001 Description Page Engine Oil Threadlocker Loctite 5699(Silicone Sealant) 11-1...
  • Page 201 Engine Oil Loctite 5699 Engine Oil Threadlocker Engine Oil 105 N m(78lbf m(22lbf m(89lbf m(36lbf 11-2...
  • Page 202 11 MAGNETO SYSTEM GENERAL Always perform the electric tests before removing or installing whatever component. During assembly/installation,use the torque values and service products as in the exploded view. Clean threads before applying threadlocker.Refer to LUBRI- CANTS AND SERVICE PRODUCTS at the begining of this manual for complete procedure.
  • Page 203 NOTE: Clean all metal components in a nonferrous metal cleaner.Use suitable tool to remove gasket. WARNING Wear safety glasses and work in a well ventilated area when working with strong chemical products. Aslo wear suitable non-absorbent gloves to protect your hands. Installation For installation, reverse the removal procedure.Pay attention to the following.
  • Page 204 11 MAGNETO SYSTEM STATOR Removal Magneto Cover Removal Remove screws securing holding strip; Remove stator retaining screws then the stator. 1.Stator 2.Stator retaining Screws 3.Holding Strip 4.Holding Strip screws Inspection Check stator condition, if damaged replace it. Check if stator wires are brittle ,hard or otherwise damaged.
  • Page 205 ROTOR Removal Remove magneto cover.(Refer to MAGNETO COVER above); Remove screw and washer securing rotor to crankshaft. 1.Bolt 2.Washer 3.Rotor Install magneto puller and then remove rotor. 1.Magneto Puller NOTE: Use grease to magneto puller end prior to install rotor puller in order to protect crankshaft.
  • Page 206 11 MAGNETO SYSTEM Inspection Check inner side of rotor for scratches or other damages. Check keyway of rotor for wear or damages. Check if trigger wheel teeth are bent or otherwise damaged. Check woodruff key and keyway on the crankshaft for wear or damages.
  • Page 207 Slide spacer bush onto crankshaft and torque the bolt to specified value. Bolt tightening torque:105N m Rotate starter double gear counterclockwise to align intermediate gear teeth with clutch sprag gear teeth. NOTE: Breather shaft end with chamfer should faces outside. 1.Double Gear 2.Breather Gear Shaft 3.Intermediate Gear 4.Sprag Clutch Gear...
  • Page 208 11 MAGNETO SYSTEM Sprag Clutch Installation For installation,reverse the removal procedure . Pay attention to the following details. Apply threadlocker on threads of sprag clutch housing screws. Install rotor then torque sprag clutch housing screws to 30 N m. Apply engine oil on sprag clutch and inside sprag clutch gear hole.
  • Page 209 STARTER DRIVE GEARS The starter gears are located on the engine MAG side behind the magneto cover. Removal Remove magneto cover (refer to MAGNETO COVER above); Remove breather shafts,double gear,intermediate 1.Intermediate Gear gear. 2.Starter Double Gear 3.Starter Gear Inspection 4.Breather Shaft Inspect gears and shafts for wear and damage.
  • Page 210 12 FRONT WHEELS, BRAKE, SUSPENSION, STEERING Check& repair information. 12-1 Brake system........12-4 ......Troubleshooting........12-2 Front suspension........12-7 Front Wheel..........12-3 Steering system........12-12 MAINTENANCE INFORMATION Operation Cautions: CAUTIONS: Securely support the vehicle when performing, inspection and repair. The inspection and maintenance of light, instrument and switch, refer to Chapter 12.
  • Page 211 12 FRONT WHEELS, BRAKE, SUSPENSION, STEERING SERVICE TOOLS Rod, bearing remover Head 10 mm, bearing remover Handle A, driving tool Sleeve 28 x 30, driving tool Guide tool 10 mm Locknut spanner Bearing remover set Rotor puller Remover shaft Remover hammer...
  • Page 212 12 FRONT WHEELS, BRAKE, SUSPENSION, STEERING FRONT WHEEL Removal Securely support front wheels. Remove wheel cap. Remove the 4 wheel nuts no. 1. Remove front wheel. Rim&Inspection Check rim for damages, deformation, nicks. If any abnormal condition has been found, replace it. Slowly turn wheel, use a dial gauge to measure the rim run out.
  • Page 213 12 FRONT WHEELS, BRAKE, SUSPENSION, STEERING FRONT BRAKE SYSTEM Front Brake Caliper Removal Remove front wheel(12-3). Remove the two bolts no. 2. Remove caliper no. 1. Inspection Check any cracks of brake calipers and oil leaks from tightening areas. Replace if necessary. 1.
  • Page 214 12 FRONT WHEELS, BRAKE, SUSPENSION, STEERING BRAKE DISC Removal Remove front wheel(12-3). Remove brake calipers(12-4). Remove brake disc and wheel hub from vehicle. Remove the 4 brake disc bolts shown in the right picture, then remove brake disc. Inspection Thickness of brake disc: If less than 2.50 mm, re- place it.
  • Page 215 After installation, check if 4- wheel brake lever or brake pedal can control front brake. Inspect brake fluid level between “UPPER” and “LOWER”, if necessary, add DOT 4 fluid (CFMOTO recommended) into brake fluid reservoir. Check brake light and switch. 12-6...
  • Page 216 12 FRONT WHEELS, BRAKE, SUSPENSION, STEERING FRONT SUSPENSION Front RH Suspension ATTENTION: Do not remove left and right sus- pension at the same time, otherwise vehicle may tip or fall. Removal Park the vehicle on a level ground and securely support the front part of vehicle.
  • Page 217 12 FRONT WHEELS, BRAKE, SUSPENSION, STEERING 1. LH front lower A-arm 2. Bottom ball pin 3. Circlip 4. LH front A-arm protector 5. Bolt 7. Snap ring 7 Front A-arm bolt 8. A-arm bushing 9. Front A-arm bushing 10. Brake fluid reservoir 11. Nut 12.
  • Page 218 12 FRONT WHEELS, BRAKE, SUSPENSION, STEERING FRONT SHOCK ABSORBER Removal NOTE: If only replacing front shock absorber, it’s not necessary to remove other parts. Remove bolt no. 11 and nut no. 11, then finally remove front shock absorber . Inspection Check shock absorber for oil leaks, oil seal aging and other damages.
  • Page 219 12 FRONT WHEELS, BRAKE, SUSPENSION, STEERING Front LH A-arm Inspection Remove front upper A-arm (LH) no. 2(12-7). Remove circlip no. 3 (Type: GB894. 1 34) Remove top ball pin no. 1. Check upper ball pin no. 1 if it can move freely and also check its clearance.
  • Page 220 12 FRONT WHEELS, BRAKE, SUSPENSION, STEERING DRIVE SHAFT NOTE: Method and procedure of removal, inspection and installation between front and rear drive shafts (LH &RH) are similar, therefore only front drive shaft (LH) is introduced. Front LH Drive Shaft Removal NOTE: If only repairing front LH drive shaft, it’s not nec- essary to remove front LH suspension from ve-...
  • Page 221: Steering System

    12 FRONT WHEELS, BRAKE, SUSPENSION, STEERING STEERING SYSTEM STEERING COLUMN Remove upper steering cover. Remove the lower steering cover. Remove the multifunction lever. Remove the ignition switch. Remove bolt no. 1 . Remove bolt no. 3. Remove the steering cross joint. Remove bolt no.
  • Page 223 13 REAR WHEELS,BRAKE,SUSPENSION Maintenance Information......13-1 Rear Brake System........13-4 Troubleshooting........13-2 Rear Suspension........13-5 Rear Wheels..........13-3 MAINTENANCE INFORMATION Operation Cautions CAUTION: ● When performing rim, suspension maintenance, jack or other suitable stand is required to raise the vehicle body off the ground. ●...
  • Page 224 13 REAR WHEELS,BRAKE,SUSPENSION Troubleshooting Rear wheel runout ● Wheel deformation. ● Defective tire. ● Tire pressure is excessively low. ● Wheel is unbalanced. ● Axle nut is loose. ● Wheel nuts are loose. Too soft rear shock ● Weakened spring tension. ●...
  • Page 225 13 REAR WHEELS,BRAKE,SUSPENSION REAR WHEEL Removal See the front wheel removal.(→12-3) RIM&CHECK Check rim for damages, deformation, nicks. If any abnormal condition has been found, replace it. Slowly turn wheel, use a dial gauge to measure the rim run out. Service Limit: Radial: 2.0 mm Axle: 2.0 mm...
  • Page 226 After installation, check if 4- wheel brake lever or brake pedal can control front brake. Inspect brake fluid level between “UPPER” and “LOWER”, if necessary, add DOT 4 fluid (CFMOTO recommended) into brake fluid reservoir. Check brake light and switch. Installation Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
  • Page 227: Rear Suspension

    13 REAR WHEELS,BRAKE,SUSPENSION REAR SUSPENSION Rear Suspension,LH NOTE:When servicing suspension, don’t remove LH suspension and RH suspension at the same time. Otherwise, vehicle may tip or fall. 1. LH rear lower A-arm 2. LH rear shaft bearing 3. Oil cup 4.
  • Page 228 13 REAR WHEELS,BRAKE,SUSPENSION REAR LH SHOCK ABSORBER NOTE: When removing LH&RH shock, use appropriate tool to support and raise the ve- hicle body. If shock only requires maintenance, it’s not necessary to remove the complete suspen- sion system before service. Remove rear LH shock mounting bolt and nut.
  • Page 229 14 FRONT DIFFERENTIAL/REAR GEARCASE MAINTENANCE INFORMATION Standards Lubricating Periodic Maintenance Interval Item Type Capacity Initial Next Front Differential SAE15W/40 SG Initial: 0.33 L /Replace:0.28 L 350 km 5000 km Rear Gearcase Initial: 0.30 L/Replace:0.25 L SAE80W/90 GL-4 Item Specification Toque(N.m) Remark Bolt, F/D M8X28...
  • Page 230 14 FRONT DIFFERENTIAL/REAR GEARCASE Inspection & Maintenance Inspection and maintenance is required if any of problems below happened to front differential and rear gearcase. Problem Description Possible Causes A. Bearing damage. 1. A pronounced hesitation or “jerky” movement B. Improper gear lash. during acceleration, deceleration, or sustained C.
  • Page 231 14 FRONT DIFFERENTIAL/REAR GEARCASE FRONT DIFFERENTIAL EXPLODED VIEW Item Part Nam e Item Part Name Bolt M 8 X 28 Bearing F 1512 Differential Gear Case, LH Drive Pinion Gear O-ring 141 X 2.4 Bearing 6007 Bearing 16007 Oil Seal 48 X 65 X 9 Circlip 62 Coupler Drive Clutch Cover...
  • Page 232 14 FRONT DIFFERENTIAL/REAR GEARCASE Inspection After Front Differential Disassembly Check if there is damage or cracks on the front differential gear case and the condition of bearing seats. Replace if necessary. Check front differential bearing free play,rotation,bearing cage,steel balls,needles conditions. Re- place if necessary(Using special tools).
  • Page 233 14 FRONT DIFFERENTIAL/REAR GEARCASE Front Differential Assembly and Ad- justment Front RH Differential Gear Case Assembly Item “31” tightening torque: 80 N·m Item “24” tightening torque: 62 N·m NOTE: Apply engine oil on oil seal, bearing and drive clutch assembly. Apply threadlocker on item “24”...
  • Page 234 14 FRONT DIFFERENTIAL/REAR GEARCASE Front Differential Assembly and Adjustment Assemble front differential as illustrated: Tightening Torque Item “1” 25 N· m Item “25” 13 N· m Item “30” 13 N· m Fill Bolt 25 N· m Drain Bolt 25 N· m Use thread locker for item “30”...
  • Page 235 14 FRONT DIFFERENTIAL/REAR GEARCASE Using special equipment or vehicle control cir cuit, switch diff. motor to 2WD before assembly. Make sure b and c is assembled properly and use illustrated position screw M 8 X 100 no. 1 to assemble differential gear motor and front differential.
  • Page 236 14 FRONT DIFFERENTIAL/REAR GEARCASE Item Item Oil Seal 65 X 90 X 9 NS Needle Bearing Bolt M 8 X 28 Shim Bolt M10 X 1.25 X 25 Drive Pinion Gear X 1.5 X 10-LH Nut M8 Retainer M65 Washer 8.2 X 15 X 1.5 Ball Bearing 6305 Hex Screw M8 X 45 O-ring 64.5...
  • Page 237 14 FRONT DIFFERENTIAL/REAR GEARCASE Bearing Disassembly a. Disassemble needle bearing 55BTM6720 as shown when necessary. b. When replacing needle bearing NA 5903, rear gearcase should be heated to 150 before replacement Rear Gearcase Inspection after Disassembly Check if there is damage or cracks on the rear gear case and the condition of bearing seats. Re- place if necessary.
  • Page 238 14 FRONT DIFFERENTIAL/REAR GEARCASE Rear Gearcase Assembly and Adjust- ment Assemble the rear gearcase as the figure illus- trates. Tightening Torque Item “3” 40 N· m Item “2” 25 N· m 70 N· m Item “28” Item “24” 25 N· m Item “20” 70 N· m Item “4”...
  • Page 239: Table Of Contents

    Fuel P ump........................15-21 Fuel In jector......................15-22 Idle A ir Control V alve....................15-23 Ignition C oil.......................15-24 5. E FI Self-diagnosis.......................15-25 MIL...........................15-25 PDA.........................15-26 Trouble C ode......................15-27 Appendix: EFI wiring diagram, starting wiring diagram, CF800-2 wiring diagram 15-1...
  • Page 240: Charging System

    CHARGING SYSTEM Charging Circuit 1.Magneto 2.Voltage Regulator/Rectifier 3.Voltage Stablizing 4.Fuse 5.Battery 6.Load Magneto Coil Resistance Measure 3-phase magneto stator coil resistance; If the resistance is out of specification,replace with a new stator; Check for the insulation between stator coil and core.
  • Page 241 15 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM VOLTAGE REGULATOR/RECTIFIER After engine running and at the state of battery Connect multimeter between terminals; full charged,if the voltage between positive and Read resistance; negative terminal exceeds 15v or is lower 12v, If any reading is out of specification, replace with a new MAG.
  • Page 242: Starting System

    STARTING SYSTEM Starting Circuit Diagram 1.Outer Cover 2.Brush Holder 3.Brush Spring 4.O-ring 5.Brush Terminal 6.Main Housing(yoke) 7.Washer 8.Armature 9.Washer 10.Cover Inner 11.O-ring Starter Motor 15-4...
  • Page 243 15 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BRUSH Check brush for damages,cracks. If any damages,replace with a new brush. COMMUTATOR Check for color change,damages,wear; If any damages,replace with a new commutator; If the color changes,poslish the commutator sur face with sand paper and wipe it up with a clean, dry cloth.
  • Page 244: Starter Relay

    STARTER RELAY Put 12V between positive and negative terminal. Use multimeter to check if there is continuity between 2 contacts. If multimeter clicks,there is continuity between contacts. If 12V is removed,no continuity remains between contacts. If both above 2 items are ok,it indicates the replay is ok.
  • Page 245 15 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ENGINE STARTING NOTICE Poperly route according to starting schematic diagram. Before starting,check if all parts are fitted correct; Regarding EFI components connection,refer to EFI section. Check air intake system. Check fuel supply system;ensure there is no bolck or leaks.
  • Page 246: Efi Structure

    EFI Structure Idle Air Control Valve T-MAP Senor Air Filter Ignition Coil Coolant Temp. Sensor O2S(Oxygen Sensor) Fuel Pump E F I s y s t e m i s c o m p o s e d o f t h r e e subsystems: Sensors: A sensor is a device that measures a physical...
  • Page 247 15 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM EFI System Maintenance Notice Always use genuine CFMOTO parts for maintenace, Don’t reverse the battery cable connections.This otherwise it can not assure a normal performance may damage electrical components. to EFI system. During the maintenance procedure,never try to Never remove the battery cables When the engine break down the EFI components.
  • Page 248: E Fi Service Tools

    SERVICE TOOLS Tool Name:PDA Function: Read/clear EFI system trouble codes,observe datastream. Tool Name:Digital Multimeter Function: measure voltage, current and resistance and other parameters in EFI system. Tool Name:Vaccum Gauge Function: Check the manifold for air pressure. 15-10...
  • Page 249 15 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Tool name:Timing Light Function: This light is used to check engine ignition timing. Tool name:Compression Tester Function This tester is used to check cylinder compression,so as to determine if the rings or valves are bad and leak- ing pressure.
  • Page 250: Efi Components And Function

  • Page 251 15 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (2)THROTTLE BODY ASSEMBLY: Connected Idle Air Control Valve with Air Filter Connected between air filter and engine.When throttle lever is applied,the valve butterfly in throttle body would spin at a certain angle.Tps can monitor the position of valve butterfly and send the signal to ECU.
  • Page 252: T-map Sensor

    (3)T-MAP SENSOR: This sensor integrates Inlet Air Temperature Sensor and Manifold Absolute Sensor.It’s used to detect both inlet air temperature and maifold absolute pressure, providing ECU the signal of engien load. Pins and Function: 1.Ground 2.Connected with 5V power 3.Voltage signal output T-MAP Sensor T-MAP Sensor Circuit: MAP Sensor...
  • Page 253 15 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM The following figure refers to output volatge-pressure relation. 4.65 4.65 1 15 Absolute Pressure in kPa The following chart explains resistance-temperature relation. 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 90 100 110 120 130 -40 -30 -20 -10 10 20 40 50 -10000...
  • Page 254: Coolant Temperature Sensor

    (4)COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR (CTS): This sensor is a negative temperature coefficient(NTC) thermistance,whose resistance increases with the tem- perature of coolant decreases.It outputs 2 set of coefficients,one is for ECU to monitor the tempera- ture of coolant,the other is for meter dispaly. A and C consists of one group,which provids signal for ECU.
  • Page 255: Oxygen Sensor

    15 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (5)OXYGEN SENSOR: This sensor is used in closed-loop feedback-controlled fuel injection to improve the air-to-fuel ratio accuracy and control the emission. It’s located in the exhaust stream to measure the amount of oxygen in exhaust and send the signal to ECU,which can revise the fuel injector output ,so as to reduce the amounts of both unburnt fuel and oxides of nitrogen entering the atmosphere.
  • Page 256: Cps

    (6)CRANKSHAFT POSITION SENSOR (CPS): Detects the rate at which the crankshaft is spinning and provides the signal for ECU to determine ignition and fuel injection. CPS Circuit: CPS Resistance: Set multimeter to 1X2K range; CPS resistance:950 (20) If the CPS resistance reading is out of specifi cation above,replace.
  • Page 257: Speed Sensor

    15 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (7)SPEED SENSOR: This sensor is used to detect the rotating speed of the engine output shaft and provide the signal for ECU to determine the vehicle speed. It belongs to Hall effect sensor,that varies its output voltage in response to a magnetic field.
  • Page 258: Gear Position Sensor

    (8)GEAR POSITION SENSOR: This sensor is used to provide the gear position signal for meter display. Pins and Function: Yellow/Blue-L(Low Gear) Orange/Blue-H(High Gear) Yellow/Black-P(Park Gear) White/Yellow-N(Neutral) Sky Blue/White-R (Reverse Gear) When each pin at a certain gear position,there is continuity between this pin and engine.Otherwise,no continuity.
  • Page 259 15 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (10)FUEL PUMP ASSEMBLY: This fuel pump assembly includes fuel pump,plastic support,preliminary filter,fine filter and pressure regulator.It suppies fuel for engine under a certain pres- sure and flow. Fuel Outlet Pins and Function: 1.Blue(Ground) 2.Red(Connected with fuel pump relay output terminal) Parameters: Pressure regulator opening pressure:0.33 0.01MPa Flow:>35L/h...
  • Page 260: Fuel Injector

    (11)FUEL INJECTOR: Connected with Injector Cap One end of fuel injector mounts into fuel injector seat, and the other end attaches to the injector cap,which connects with a fuel line.Fuel injector is controlled by ECU to inject fuel at stated time into the engine. This injector nozzle is a 4-hole style.Don’t turn injec- tor after the joint between injector and injector cap is installed.
  • Page 261: Idle Air Control Valve

    15 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (12)IDLE AIR CONTROL VALVE: IACV is used to control the air flow of by-pass.ECU Idle Air Control Valve calculates the engine load and controLs IACV through Connected with Air Filter electrical pulse durationand frequency(commonly known as duty ratio).IACV allows diffrent air flows passed through under different pressure diffrences.
  • Page 262: Ignition Coil

    (13)IGNITION COIL Ignition coil transforms the low voltage of primary coil to high voltage of secondary coil needed to spark the spark plug and ignite the mixture of air and fuel in cylinder. Pins and Function: 1.Ignition coil (-) of cylinder 1 connected with pin 1,ECU J2; 1.Ignition coil (+) of cylinder 1 connected with battery(+);...
  • Page 263: Efi Self-diagnosis

    15 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (14)EFI SELF-DIAGNOSIS: ECU constantly monitors sensors,actuators,circuits,MIL and battery voltage,etc,even itself.It also tests sen- sors output signal,actuator drive signal and inner signal(such as closed-loop control,coolant temp. signal,idle speed control and battery voltage control,etc for reliability).If any malfunction or suspectable signal found, ECU would record the fault information in RAM.
  • Page 264: Pda

    (2)PDA:PDA has 3 pins-power,ground wire and data cable K.Thses pins are connected with related ECU pins. The right photoe refers to operation panel of PDA.When it comes to detailed keys function,refer to PDA in- struction book. Pins and Function: 1.Connected with pin 3,ECU J2; 2.Ground 1 2 3 3.Connected with +12V power...
  • Page 265 15 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM FAULT CODE TABLE: P0107 MAP Circuit Low Voltage or Open MAP-Manifold Absolute Pressure P0108 MAP Circuit High Voltage P0112 IAT Circuit Low Voltage IAT-Inlet Air Temperature P0113 IAT Circuit High Voltage or Open P0117 Coolant/Oil Temperature Sensor Circuit Low Voltage P0118 Coolant/Oil Temperature Sensor...
  • Page 266: Maintenance Specifications

    16 LIGHTS, INSTRUMENT, SWITCHES Maintenance Info........16-1 Multifunction lever........16-6 Troubleshooting........16-2 Brake Light Switch, Horn......16-7 Bulb replacement........16-2 Fuel Pump, Fuel Sensor......16-8 Dashboard, Headlight......16-4 Ignition Switch.......... 16-5 Maintenance Information Operation Cautions WARNING Headlight bulb will be very hot when it is turned on. Do not touch it after it is just turned off. Operation should be done when the bulb is cooled down.
  • Page 267 16 LIGHTS, INSTRUMENT, SWITCHES Troubleshooting Head Light Cannot Turn On Blown fuse Open circuit of main cable Burnt bulb Defective switch Bulb Replacement Headlight Bulb Cautions Headlight bulb will be very hot when it is turned on.
  • Page 268 16 LIGHTS, INSTRUMENT, SWITCHES Front Turn Light Bulbs Remove front turn light bulbs. Replace front turn light bulbs. Bulb Specification: LED 1. Front Turn Light Bulbs Rear Turn Light Bulbs Remove rear turn light cover. Remove rear turn light bulbs. Replace rear turn light bulbs . Bulb Specification: LED Reverse the removal procedure for installation.
  • Page 269 16 LIGHTS, INSTRUMENT, SWITCHES Dashboard Remove instrument panel (→2-12). Remove self-tapping screw no. 1. Remove dashboard connectors. Remove dashboard. NOTE: If dashboard has something wrong, it’s recommended to replace the whole dashboard. Reverse the removal procedure for installation. 1. Self-tapping Screw 2. Dashboard Headlight Front RH Headlight Remove the grille (→2-2).
  • Page 270: Ignition Switch

    16 LIGHTS, INSTRUMENT, SWITCHES Ignition Switch Remove the front steering cover (→2-5). Remove the rear steering cover (→2-5). Remove the ignition switch 4P connector. Check according to the following table if the con- nector terminals are in continuity. Unit=mm Item Gr/R 1.25 Gear 1. Ignition Switch R=Red Y=Yellow B=Black Gr/R=Grey/Red B/W=Black/White Removal Remove the front steering cover (→2-5).
  • Page 271 16 LIGHTS, INSTRUMENT, SWITCHES Multifunction Lever Remove the front steering cover (→2-5). Remove the rear steering cover (→2-5). Remove the multifunction lever connector. Check according to the following table if the con- nector terminals are in continuity. Color Lg B/Br Br Pu/B Br/W Gr Lr=Light green B/Br=Black/Brown Br=Brown Pu/B=Purple/Black Br/W=Brown/White Gr=Green O=Orange Lb=Light blue 1.
  • Page 272 16 LIGHTS, INSTRUMENT, SWITCHES OVER-RIDE SWITCH Gr/ B 2WD/4WD SWITCH Br/R Br/G Gr/W Br/R Br/G Lg/Br 1. Hazard Light Switch 2. OVER-RIDE SWITCH LOCK If something above wrong, replace handlebar switches. Hazard Light Switch Δ ● 3. 2WD/4WD SWITCH Brake Light Switch Disconnect brake light switch connector and check terminals for continuity.
  • Page 273 16 LIGHTS, INSTRUMENT, SWITCHES Fuel Pump and Fuel Sensor Remove: Remove passenger seat (→2-4). Disconnect connector. Remove fuel pump and fuel sensor. Inspection Oil Meter EMPTY FULL Resistance 9.0 ± 4.5 6.0 ± 1.0 Float Position 26.1 ± 3.0 219.4 ± 3.0 Check Position Point 4 Point 3 Fuel Pump Specifications...
  • Page 274 17 TROUBLESHOOTING 1.Engine troubleshooting............... 17-2 2.Trouble code table..............17-6 3.EFI system troubleshooting by trouble code......... 17-7 4.Trouble diagnosis by engine problems.......... 17-13 17-1...
  • Page 275: Engine Troubleshooting

    17 TROUBLESHOOTING 1.Engine troubleshooting Trouble Possible causes Countermeasures Engine cannot be started 1.Check electrical system 1) Fuse defective Check or replace 2) Battery low voltage Check or recharge 3)Bad wiring connection Check or replace 2.Check spark plug 1) Ignition coil bad connection or defective Check or replace 2) High-tension cable bad connection or defective Check or replace...
  • Page 276 17 TROUBLESHOOTING Trouble Possible causes Countermeasures Engine Coolant insufficient (lower than LOWER line) Refill coolant overheating Air bubbles inside cooling system Remove air bubbles and refill Water temp. sensor defective Replace sensor Thermostat defective(cannot open when coolant is very Replace thermostat hot) a.
  • Page 277 17 TROUBLESHOOTING Abnormal CVT belt getting narrow Replace acceleration Check drive pulley ● Rollers wear Replace ● Drive pulley track wear Replace Drive/driven pulley shaft move not flexibly Clean or replace Spring of driven pulley too strong Replace Sliders of driven pulley wear Replace Groove of drive/driven pulley damaged Replace...
  • Page 278 17 TROUBLESHOOTING Noise from cylinder head Valve clearance incorrect Adjust or replace Tensioner failure Replace Chain guide wear Replace Chain extended or chain sprocket wear Replace Bolt of sprocket loosen Tighten Valve rocker arm or camshaft wear Adjust or replace Camshaft timing incorrect Adjust or replace Noise from crankshaft and...
  • Page 279: Trouble Code Table

    17 TROUBLESHOOTING 2.Trouble code table Trouble Code Trouble Description Remarks P0107 MAP Circuit Low Voltage or Open MAP-Manifold Absolute Pressure P0108 MAP Circuit High Voltage P0112 IAT Circuit Low Voltage IAT-Inlet Air Temperature P0113 IAT Circuit High Voltage or Open P0117 Coolant/Oil Temperature Sensor Circuit Low Voltage P0118...
  • Page 280: Efi System Troubleshooting By Trouble Code

    17 TROUBLESHOOTING 3. EFI troubleshooting by trouble code Instructions: 1.Only after stable trouble is confirmed, then do checking and repair. Otherwise it will bring mistakes. 2.Below mentioned multimeter is only for digital multimeter, pointer multimeter is not allowed for checking EFI circuit. 3.If trouble code means voltage too low, it is short circuit to ground or open circuit.
  • Page 281 17 TROUBLESHOOTING Trouble code:P0032/P0038:Heater coil high voltage of Cylinder 1 and 2 oxygen sensor Possible causes Checking procedures 1 ) Measure resistance between ECU pins and oxygen 1)Open circuit between ECU and oxygen sensor C sensor C pin, check if it’s ok. 2 )...
  • Page 282 17 TROUBLESHOOTING Trouble code P0107:Intake air temp. sensor low voltage or open circuit Possible causes: Repair procedures: 1)The sensor short circuit to ground 1)Measure resistance between ECU and ground Trouble code P0108:Intake air temp. sensor high voltage Possible causes: Repair procedures: 1)The sensor short circuit to ground 1)Measure ECU pin voltage Trouble code P0112:...
  • Page 283 17 TROUBLESHOOTING Trouble code P0122:TPS low voltage or open circuit Possible causes: Repair procedures: 1)ECU pin short circuit to ground 1)Measure resistance between ECU pin and ground Trouble code P0123:TPS high voltage Possible causes: Repair procedures: 1)Measure voltage connected with ECU pin if it’s ok. 1)Short circuit between ECU pin and other circuit Trouble code P0201/ P0202: 1/2 cylinder injector coil defective Possible causes:...
  • Page 284 17 TROUBLESHOOTING Trouble code P0230:Fuel pump relay coil low voltage or open circuit Trouble code P0232:Fuel pump relay coil high voltage Possible causes: Repair procedures: 1) Open circuit/short to ground/short to power 1)Measure resistance or voltage between ECU and fuel pump between control circuit of fuel pump relay relay.
  • Page 285 17 TROUBLESHOOTING Trouble code:P0850 Nuetral gear sensor defective Engine cannot be started when at “N” gear position. Possible causes: Repair procedures: 1)Open circuit between N gear sensor and ground 1) Measure resistance between ECU pin and N gear sensor Trouble code:P0445 Starter auxiliary relay high voltage Trouble code:P0444 Starter auxiliary relay low voltage or open circuit Possible causes: Repair procedures:...
  • Page 286: Trouble Diagnosis By Engine Problems

    17 TROUBLESHOOTING 4. Trouble diagnosis by engine problems Before trouble diagnosis by engine problems, initial checking should be done as follows. 1. Confirm if trouble light is ok; 2. Confirm there’s no trouble code record by PDA checking. 3. Confirm there’s really trouble existing complained by end-users. Then check the following points.
  • Page 287 17 TROUBLESHOOTING (1)When starting, engine cannot rotate or rotate slowly. Possible causes:1. battery;2. starter motor;3. wiring or ignition switch;4. engine mechanical part. General operation procedures: Item operation procedures Result Then Use multimeter to measure voltage between positive and Next step negative terminals of battery, normal value should be 8-12V Replace battery when starting engine.
  • Page 288 17 TROUBLESHOOTING Remove engine mechanical trouble Check cylinder pressure if it’s enough or not Next step Connect PDA and switch on ignition to check ECU-J2-15 pin Use PDA to diagnose and J2-18 pin if it is powered normally; Check ECU-J1-9 pin and J2-2 pin if it is connected to ground normally.
  • Page 289 17 TROUBLESHOOTING Item Operation procedures Result Then Next step Use fuel pressure meter and start engine to measure if fuel pressure is around 330Kpa (3.30Bar) Check and repair fuel supply system Disconnect high-tension cable and connect spark Next step plug, keep it 5mm away from engine body, then start engine to check if there’s blue and white spark.
  • Page 290 17 TROUBLESHOOTING Next step Use fuel pressure meter and start engine to check if fuel Check and repair fuel supply pressure is around 330Kpa (3.30Bar) system Disconnect spark plug cap and connect spark plug, keep it Next step 5mm away from engine body, then start engine to check if there’s blue and white spark.
  • Page 291 17 TROUBLESHOOTING Clean or replace Check if air by-pass valve is blocked Next step Next step Check spark plug if it’s under technical specifications. Adjust or replace Check throttle body and by-pass air pipe if any carbon Clean deposit. Next step Remove injector and use special cleaning equipment to Replace check if any leakage, blocked or incorrect fuel flow and so...
  • Page 292 19 TROUBLESHOOTING Check fuel quality and if it’s caused just after filling Change fuel fuel. Next step Remove engine mechanical problem Check cylinder pressure if it’s out of range. Next step Connect PDA and switch on ignition to check Use PDA to diagnose ECU-J2-15 pin and J2-18 pin if it is powered normally;...
  • Page 293 17 TROUBLESHOOTING Possible causes: 1. Air by-pass valve;2. Injector General operation procedures: Item Operation procedures Results Then Clean it Remove air by-pass valve, check throttle body, air by-pass valve and it pipe if any carbon deposit. Next step Check engine output power if it is too big when switching Operate step 4 on electric components.
  • Page 294 17 TROUBLESHOOTING Connect PDA and switch on ignition to check ECU-J2-15 pin Use PDA to diagnose and J2-18 pin if it is powered normally; Check ECU-J1-9 pin and J2-2 pin if it is connected to ground normally. Check &repair wiring (11)RPM cannot go up or engine stop when acceleration Possible causes:...
  • Page 295 17 TROUBLESHOOTING (12)Slow acceleration Possible causes:1.Fuel with water;2. Air intake pressure sensor and TPS;3. Spark plug;4. Throttle body and its idle pipe;5. Intake manifold;6. Air by-pass valve;7. Injector;8. Ignition timing;9. Exhaust pipe General operation procedures: Item Operation procedures Result Then Check&replace air intake system Check air filter if any blocked, and intake manifold if any leakage.
  • Page 296 17 TROUBLESHOOTING General operation procedures: Item Operation procedures Result Then Repair Check if any clutch slippery, or tire pressure too low, or brake too tight, or tire size incorrect and so on. Next step Check&repair air intake system Check air filter if any blocked, and intake manifold if any leakage.