Bootstrap 3 шаблоны. Темы и шаблоны для Bootstrap. Timber – бесплатный одностраничный Bootstrap шаблон

Bootstrap - мощный и элегантный, интуитивно понятный фронт-енд фреймворк, разработанный командой Twitter. Это open-source CSS и JavaScript среда разработки современных интернет проектов. Относительно молодая платформа веб-разработки, безусловно заслуживающая изучения, предлагает множество полезных вещей: стили компонентов интерфейса (заголовки, вкладки, навигационные панели…) и HTML-элементов (кнопоки, формы, шрифты…), адаптивные queries, JS-плагины и т.д.

Демо | Скачать 18. Sonic Creative Portfolio

Sonic – бесплатный адаптивный шаблон на Bootstrap версии 3.1.1. со слайдером FlexSlider на главной странице. Шаблон основан на и подойдет для создания креативного портфолио.

19. Powerful

Powerful – адаптивный шаблон на Bootstrap, использующий в качестве основных элементов дизайна. Ключевые особенности шаблона: гибкий макет, чистый дизайн, слайдер на главной странице, фильтр по категориям для портфолио.

Демо | Скачать 20. 403 Karma

403 Karma — бесплатный HTML5 шаблон на основе Bootstrap. Благодаря адаптивной верстке, плоскому дизайну и эффектному параллакс-сколлингу шаблон отлично выглядит на мобильных устройствах.

Демо | Скачать 21. Tonic Pro

Созданный на основе Twitter Bootstrap, шаблон Tonic Pro поставляется со слайдером, кастомным визуальным CSS-редактором (упрощающим редактирование кода), font awesome иконками и всем тем, что помогает сайту выделиться среди остальных. Базовый набор из всех полезностей предоставляется бесплатно, но вы можете приобрести премиум версию шаблона со значительно большим функционалом.

Демо | Скачать 22. Free Bootstrap 3.0 HTML Template

Вам нужно найти эффектный шаблон для персональной Web-страницы, онлайн-портфолио или ресторанный шаблон, подходящий для бара, пиццерии, кафе или бистро? Тогда лучше обезопасить себя от проблем с кастомизацией и быть уверенным в возможностях шаблона, на случай возникновения необходимости расширения функционала. Free Bootstrap 3.0 HTML Template — вполне подходящее для этого решение. Хотя он создан для ознакомительных целей, вы всегда можете приобрести оригинальный шаблон (с точно такой же структурой) для создания своего startup-проекта.

Демо | Скачать 23. Tulip

Tulip – креативный шаблон с адаптивной версткой, подходящий для создания сайта юридической фирмы, адвокатской конторы, консалтинговой компании и ряда коммерческих проектов, требующих современного . Выбирая Tulip, вы получаете легальный шаблон, который можете использовать бесплатно для своих коммерческих целей. User-Frendly дизайн этого шаблона (дружественный для пользователей десктопов и мобильных устройств) всегда будет способствовать успешности будующего веб-проекта.

Демо | Скачать 24. Andia – Free HTML Bootstrap Theme

Andia – бесплатная адаптивная HTML тема на Bootstrap. В составе: 5 примеров полностью адаптивных страниц, страница портфолио, сервисы, About, форма контактов. Andia идеально подойдет для креативного агентства с портфолио, личного или под небольшой бизнес проект. Особенности и функционал: адаптивный макет, адаптивный слайдер изображений, возможность демонстрировать ваши фотографии из сервиса Flickr благодаря интеграции с Flicr Photostream, возможность создавать иконки на базе иконочного шрифта Font Awesome 4.0, лента твиттер (twitter feed) и многое другое.

Демо | Скачать 25. Dellow

Dellow – минималистичная адаптивная тема со множеством премиум опций, которые вы получаете бесплатно. Ключевые особенности: слайдер с эффектом параллакса в шапке, нумерованная постраничная навигация, адаптивный слайдер, кастомный хедер & футер, 4 макета страниц, кастомные виджеты & Time Display. Мощная панель настроек значительно расширяет возможности редактирования и упрощает процесс модификации темы.

Демо | Скачать 28. Creation – Flat Industrial Bootstrap Responsive template

Шаблон Creation предназначен для создания сайта индустриальной компании. Может широко использоваться для интернет представительств различных компаний-изготовителей, от небольших организаций до крупных производственных предприятий и фабрик. В этом шаблоне тщательно подобрана цветовая схема, хорошо организовано расположение элементов, продуман стиль и структура макета сетки. Ключевые особенности шаблона: HTML5, адаптивность, по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 предполагается использование без ограничений. В комплект шаблона включены исходные файлы: HTML файлы (.html), таблицы стилей (.css), изображений (.jpg/png/gif), JQuery плагинов (.js), файлы исходников Photoshop (.psd), шрифтов (.ttf).

Демо | Скачать 29. My Restaurant

My Restaurant – оригинальный и стильный bootstrap шаблон с фоновым jQuery слайдером, фиксированным меню на jQuery меняющим цвет при наведении. — jQuery галерея, управлять которой можно указателем или колесом мыши и образующая красивый лайтбокс с эффектом затемнения основного фона.

Демо | Скачать 30. Corlate – Free Responsive Business HTML Template

Corlate – бесплатный адаптивный HTML бизнес-шаблон, со встроенными шрифтами Font Awesome и css3 анимацией. Также оснащен своим собственным бутстраповским слайдером -каруселью, шорткодами – позволяющими легко создавать вкладки, аккордеон-слайдеры и даже галереи. Это полностью адаптивный, легкий и супер-быстрый шаблон. Хорошо подойдет сайту небольшой бизнес компании, стратап-проекту, или если вам, как талантливой личности, нужен сайт для демонстрации своего творчества.

, Buddypress и BBpress. Bootstrap подключен только файлами CSS. Тема разработана на основе 2-х колоночного макета и может отлично подойти для блога.
Демо | Скачать 33. Temptation

Temptation – бесплатная темная WordPress тема, построенная с использованием Bootstrap 3. Это подготовленая к Retina и полностью адаптивная тема, использующая сеточный макет, имеет: витрину Showcase, Nivo слайдер, и многое другое. По сочетанию темных цветов это, пожалуй, одна из лучших тем из всего репозитория WordPress.

Демо | Скачать 34. RICHY

RICHY – адаптивная многоцелевая HTML5/CSS3 Bootstrap тема. Имеет чистый аккуратный дизайн и легкость в кастомизации.

Статья, в которой рассмотрим сайты, предлагающие веб-дизайнерам, разработчикам или просто любителям бесплатные шаблоны (templates) и темы (themes) для Bootstrap.

Сайты, на которых можно бесплатно скачать Bootstrap шаблоны

Данный сайт содержит бесплатные темы и шаблоны Bootstrap как для личного так и для коммерческого использования. Все шаблоны разложены по категориям "лендинг страницы", "одностраничные сайты", "блоги", "портфолио" и т.д.

На данном сайте доступны для просмотра и скачивания бесплатные адаптивные шаблоны Bootstrap. Страница этого ресурса состоит из двух разделов. В первом разделе (вверху страницы) распологаются платные шаблоны, а во втором разделе (внизу страницы) - бесплатные.

Сайт Bootswatch содержит бесплатные темы для Bootstrap, которые отличаются от оригинальной только тем, что они выполнены в другой цветовой палитре. Кроме этого данные темы очень просты в установке, достаточно скачать CSS файл и заменить им оригинальный файл Bootstrap.

На этом сайте представлены бесплатные и платные темы. Правда выбор бесплатных тем, да и платных не так велик. Но, зато на PrepBootstrap содержится для фреймворка Bootstrap очень большое число HTML виджетов и компонентов (более 100).

Данный сетевой ресурс содержит неплохие темы для Bootstrap. Среди них встречаются как бесплатные, так и платные темы. Отличительной характеристикой данного ресурса является то, что каждая тема представлена в виде статьи, к которой можно оставить комментарии.

Сайт, на котором представлено очень большой выбор тем для Twitter Bootstrap. Для удобства поиска все темы сгруппированы в категории подобно тому, как это сделано на сайте Start Bootstrap.

Сайт Free CSS содержит большое количество тем, включая темы для платформы Twitter Bootstrap. Каждую из тем можно вживую посмотреть с помощью кнопки "Live Demo" и при желании скачать.

На этом сайте представлены бесплатные HTML5 шаблоны, построенные на основе фреймворка Bootstrap. Все шаблоны являются адаптивными. Увидеть как будет выглядеть тот или иной шаблон на различных устройствах можно с помощью соответствующих кнопок в режиме живого просмотра.

На сайте WebThemez доступны для скачивания более 200 бесплатных шаблонов для Bootstrap. К каждому шаблону приложено описание и его ключевые особенности.

Мы надеемся, что разработчики будут использовать эти шаблоны в качестве примера, а не как конечный результат.

Приведеный ниже HTML-код использует минимизированную версию Bootstrap.

Bootstrap 101 Template Привет, мир!

Шаблоны Bootstrap. Примеры

Дополнительные шаблоны созданы на основе базового, представленного разделом выше. Также рекомендуем посмотреть советы по Настройке Bootstrap для использования вашего собственного варианта.

Использование CSS Jumbotron

Основу макета составляет большой экран Jumbotron и базовая система разметки. В панель навигации включены поля формы.

Узкий Jumbotron

Большой экран Jumbotron на основе узкого контейнера. В качестве навигации используются навигационные табы.

Панель навигации Навигационное меню

Базовый шаблон, который включает панель навигации вместе с дополнительным контентом.

Статическое меню

Базовый шаблон, который включает статичесую панель навигации вместе с дополнительным контентом.

Фиксированное меню

Базовый шаблон, который включает зафиксированную панель навигации вместе с дополнительным контентом.

Базовое применение Bootstrap Обложка

Одностраничный шаблон, растянутый на весь экран, для построения простых и красивых сайтов.

January 2, 2020 , by , ,

In fact, thinking that lack of programming skills can prevent you from creating a website of your dreams is a big mistake. Feel free to use free bootstrap website templates, no matter how deep your knowledge of HTML and CSS is. Using this collection bootstrap templates will save you valuable time and find the perfect solution effortlessly. Bootstrap 4 has just been released, today we have great free bootstrap website templates built with bootstrap twitter framework are adapted to create professional sites. It is absolutely safe to say that the popularity of Bootstrap templates is increasing rapidly and has been underestimated lately. Researchers prove that “Big B” as Bootstrap is sometimes called is one of the most successful trends that have arrived in the industry in recent times. The internet has caught the wave of Twitter bootstrap and threatens to make it a tsunami. First, it greatly facilitates the creation of web pages.

Bring your business online to another level with these free bootstrap website templates. No matter what type of business you have, you always want something that is easy to navigate, simple, interesting and informative. You can always go to another level by choosing a that allows the use of videos and other suitable materials that will interest viewers. Grids, for one is an affordable and good choice. If you want something personalization, choose from a list of free bootstrap website templates like Grid.


Looking for a free bootstrap template? this template is absolutely free, It can be used for commercial or non commercial. With bootstrap templates, you can always get things customized or personalized. It is perfect for agencies or that need a little designing here and there. Its key features include: it is responsive, a section for team members with images and profiles displayed and many others.


Ucorpora is a free bootstrap HTML corporate business website template which comes bundled with astounding features. Ucorpora is built on Bootstrap framework, using the latest web techniques and responsive layout.


Ubusina is a free bootstrap template built with HTML5, CSS3 & Bootstrap3. Ubusina template is extremely customizable, easy to use and fully responsive. Ubusina is suitable for every business purpose. Ubusina serves as great starting point for your custom projects.


Ustora is free flat design bootstrap template ideal for digital store, phone store, accessories store. The ustora template provides your store an additional informative blocks on the homepage, such as free shipping, 30 days return, secure payments, new products and contact information, nice images with texts.


SoftLand is a modern and creative application landing website HTML template. Anyone can use this template to present their applications or services. SoftLand is an ultimate responsive landing page template for anyone looking for an application landing page, software landing page, application storefront, application store page template, etc. You can use SoftLand as a better way to showcase and promote your startup mobile apps, SaaS app, software, digital products, even books or magazines.


Rapid is a versatile and easy-to-use free Bootstrap template with a modern and simplistic web design. This will leave a solid impression to all who visit your website are likely to contact you. Rapid is a one-page template presenting the latest trends in web design and modern effects. Amazing rollover and scrolling effects, a filterable portfolio section, and a functional contact form are just some of Rapid template’s assets. It’s well coded and easy to customize to suit your needs. It is fully responsive and works on all devices, including mobile phones, tablets, laptops and desktops. The Quick template is suitable for any financial, business, enterprise, agency, digital marketing, consulting, digital studio, mobile software application, start-up business and more.


Adalot Personal Lawyer Bootstrap4 Template is an free HTML bootstrap template for law firm. This responsive template is the true representative of individuals, businesses and government agencies with respect to legal issues. The Adalot template is built on the basis of the Bootstrap 4 structure, using the drag-and-drop page builder. It is absolutely perfect for a lawyer, advisor and advisor to create a website on legal advice in order to communicate with potential clients.

Adalot is an exceptional free lawyer bootstrap website template with two homepages and fashionable inside pages, such as About, Practice Area, Prices, Blog and Contact. Every element, every section and every detail of this template is adapted to legal environments. Expand your law firm with many useful features. It features Google Web Font, Awesome Police Icon, Dynamic Contact Form, and more. You’ll have full access to the page about us, services, awards, achievements, team members, work process, testimonials, last blog, last tweet, quick links to help potential customers find out what’s up your stand.


Fixco, Free Multipurpose Bootstrap4 Template is a clean and modern template that can be used for any type of website. Suitable for personal news, personal blog templates, food, travel, photography, technology, businesses, creative agencies, creative businesses, businesses, individuals, agencies, fashion , jewelry, stores, etc. for all types of website, this attractive but simple design is dignified enough to create your online position. Try Fixco – Bootstrap4 Free Multi-Use template today and feel the difference!


Nokshi, Free Handmade & Craft Bootstrap4 Template is a faster and more user-friendly HTML5 template for your online store. It is super responsive and works perfectly in all devices. Nokshi is integrated into a Bootstrap-4 frame. This creative and smart design is easy to use for technicians and even non-technicians. No knowledge of the code is required.


The BizTech is a well-designed and free bootstrap website templates for tartup the corporate website. It’s a clean, modern, HTML5-based template for all types of businesses, organizations, marketing, consulting and more. This template is built using the latest Bootstrap 4 with HTML5 and css3, which makes it easy to customize the theme.


Resto is a free Responsive Bootstrap 4 Template for Restaurant website, it clean design with foods menu, food price, food picture, contact form and easy for custumize.


Karbar, Free Multipurpose Bootstrap4 Template is the most responsive and flexible HTML template based on Botstrap 4. The creative design of Karbar is absolutely perfect for web designers, graphic designers and anyone with a creative mind.


Courage is a free Bootstrap 4 Website Template is a trendy designed for corporate websites and fits perfectly in all types of requirements like the consultancy, portfolio and many more. This free website is built using front-end framework Bootstrap 4, html5 and css3.


Photogenic is a free html5 priming template, perfect for any type of work. Built with the latest technologies for web development such as HTML5, CSS3, Sass, Owl Carousel, Isotope and jQuery.


JuniorHome is a free Bootstrap 4 responsive website template with a beautiful and unique design. This HTML5 template is suitable for educational institutions, schools, classes, workshops, e-learning, lessons and learning sites for children. Anyone who wants a neat website for play schools or preschools, nurseries and kindergartens, kindergartens, Home Junior is the best solution for them. If you want to impress your learners with their parents, Junior Home could be the right choice for you. This attractive but simple design is worthy enough to build your online position.


NewBiz is a free Bootstrap template for modern businesses. You can use the NewBiz template for many types of businesses, such as: enterprise, digital studio, digital marketing, consulting, software mobile application, etc. NewBiz is a one-page template presenting the latest trends in web design for the current technical era. It’s home page design come with drop down menu, about us info, service part, Why choose us, Portfolio layout, teams profiles, clients logo and contact details form.

Creative One page Bootstrap

Creative is a free bootstrap website template for small business, and other versatile user. It’s home page design come with flat design, service part, photo gallery project, contact form and modern design style works in unison with rich features and plugins making this theme an excellent go-to for your next Bootstrap project.


Aahar, Free Food Delivery Service Bootstrap4 template is designed for all players in the food delivery industry. Aahar has been designed for the owners of food delivery services and services, banquet rooms, catering companies that meet the needs of the food niche.


Italiano is a free bootstrap template. It can use to build an elegant website for a restaurant, café or bistro website. This home page template comes with a lot of useful elements that you might need, full screen slider, About Restaurant, service provide info, special foods list, Special Offers list, creative foods menu, upcoming events, photo gallery, order booking form and contact form.


City-Church is a free bootstrap template that can be acquired by anyone wanting to start a website without wasting a lot of effort Bootstrap themes are highly recommended by various web developers and designers around the world. They offer different benefits and features that are highly appreciated by their users. Bootstrap templates create a convenient opportunity to create a website without committing financial or non-financial resources.


TheOptimal is a fully responsive lightweight, made with the Bootstrap structure. Its design and developed with real experience of the site. We include every section, every line, every component a user needs. The optimal template is specially designed to suit almost any hosting project. You can synchronize easily and quickly all modules. This is OK tested with all major browsers and devices (ipad, iphone, galaxy tab, etc.). Theoptimal is a fully responsive HTML5 / WHMCS hosting template fully responsive to your web hosting business. It comes with unique 56 pages HTML pages and light and dark styles. Impressive bright colors, more than 10 unique color variations. Light color themes of version 10 in WHMCS. Easy to customize and fully featured, latest modern design.

Bootstrap Blog

Bootstrap Blog is a free bootstrap website template. Its design is minimalist, almost all elements are in black and white, only a few have a touch of primary color. It contains 3 HTML page templates, all in 7 color variants. The default color variant is this time in gray. As usual, you can change the main color of the style sheet to pink, red, purple, blue, green or navy blue.

Portfolio Bootstrap 4 Template

Free and responsive portfolio template with beautiful full-page Intro and different types of galleries. Built with the latest Bootstrap 4 and Material Design.


Bitcoin is a creative, clean and high quality free Crypto Currency Bootstrap template. Build with Bootstrap v3.3.7. The main sites of use are Bitcoin mining sites, trade and trade in cryptocurrency, finance and business consulting, digital currencies. You can easily present your ideas with a perfect style. well commented HTML and CSS code for user-friendly use. Specially designed for cryptocurrency. Fully customize HTML and CSS files.


Dope is a multipurpose free bootstrap 4 website template for marking or landing page, it’s home page contain about, feature, price template and Testimonial.

Civil Engineering Template

This is an HTML start template for civil engineering. The reason we introduce it is that the homepage is FREE. Civil engineering is a very large undertaking. It is a professional engineering discipline that deals with design, roads, buildings, railways, airports, etc. This free bootstrap template is very useful and popular among these companies. Each customer has the opportunity to use the design of this template for commercial reasons.


Boighor is a free bootstrap website template for book library store, it is a simple, neat and well-designed bookstore website template. This bootstrap template is ideal for your e-commerce project. Boighor’s fully responsive template looks great on all types of displays and peripherals. Boighor is ideal for the library, book publishers, authors, writers and bookstores.


Neha, Minimalist free eCommerce Bootstrap 4 Template is a sleek and stylish design – suitable for the sale of clothing, fashion, haute couture, menswear, women’s fashion, accessories, digital, kids, watches, jewelry, shoes, kids, furniture, sport, tools. It has a fully responsive width that automatically adapts to any screen size or resolution. We’ve included 6 layouts for the home page to offer you the best selections for customization. You can mix all the home page layouts to get a different layout for your own website. The home page is designed to attract attention with a large slideshow above and below the Mega Menu. The slideshow is great with smooth transitions of texts and beautiful images.


DevFolio is a free portfolio HTML bootstrap website template created with the Bootstrap framework. Whether you are a creative, a developer or an artist, DevFolio will be very useful. Create a unique portfolio, CV, or personal website in line with this sleek, easy-to-use boot template. No matter what your talent is, DevFolio is one of the easiest ways to sell you on the Web, attract more customers and grow your business. Developers, web designers, artists, illustrators, marketers, you can all create a stylish personal website with DevFolio.

DevFolio comes with six predefined colors and is built with the latest version of Bootstrap. It is also fully responsive and works on all major devices. Create your website today and offer your services to the world with the DevFolio template.


TheEvent is a free bootstrap website template for events, conferences and webinars. This is a one-page responsive HTML template, created with the latest version of the Bootstrap framework. It is designed to provide detailed information about your event. TheEvent is also ideal for any event, meeting, summit, camp, seminar, convention, exhibition and more.

TheEvent comes with all the important sections needed to create an event website, such as: introductory page of the complete page with button to load a video in a light box, event information, list of speakers, calendar, information on the event venue and map, list of hotels, image gallery, sponsors, FAQ, newsletter subscription, purchase of tickets with modal order form, contact form and others. It also comes with a separate template page for detailed information about the speaker. TheEvent is designed as a page template with easy and fluid navigation. The template code is organized in sections. It allows you to easily navigate and read the code clean and well structured.

EstateAgency Darklook

Darklook is a clean and high quality creative Bootstrap eCommerce template. Build with Bootstrap v3.3.7. You can easily present your ideas with a perfect style. well commented HTML and CSS code for user-friendly use. Specially designed for watch shop. Fully customize HTML and CSS files.


eBusiness is a versatile free business bootstrap template created with the Bootstrap framework. You can use the eBusiness theme for any type of business. Perfect for businesses, corporate agencies and landing pages. The eBusiness template includes all the basic elements and sections for creating one-page websites, such as: “About Us”, “Services”, “Pricing”, “Portfolio”, “Team”, “Form contact “, etc. There are also separate template pages for the blog home page and individual blog pages in case you want to add a blog feature to your website.


MaxiBiz is a multi-page business bootstrap website template built with Bootstrap. It is suitable for all agencies, businesses and businesses and can be used to design any website template as it includes all the required elements. The template design is flat and unique and includes all the features that allow you to present your products and services in the most professional way. You can creatively include your company’s services and products and provide details about each service through this template design.

MaxiBiz comes with 7 predefined color schemes each in separate CSS files for easy change. Other features of the MaxiBiz include: ecommerce templates, blog templates and many other page templates. It also applies a sticky menu when you scroll down. It has very smooth transition effects, amazing fonts and many other amazing features that are wonderful for starting your site. With Maxibiz, you have the guarantee of a site that will have a great flow of audience and, of course, good sales.


eStartup is a sleek, modern free Bootstrap template for creating websites for startups, application websites, and more. It comes with many customizable and reusable items designed to meet as many needs as possible. eStartup can also be used for an agency, business, finance, consulting, etc. It’s a one-page template with a smooth scrolling effect.

eStartup is a fully responsive template built with the Bootstrap framework. It looks perfect on all major browsers, tablets and phones. Some of the notable features and ready sections are: about us, features, carousel screenshots, team members, price charts, list of blog articles and contact form. eStartup is very easy to use. change your text, images, colors and prepare your website in no time. Whatever product you launch, eStartup will help you get it online as quickly as possible.


ClassiX is a free bootstrap template for ads and classified business purpose. Specially designed for classified ads, ads, directories and work portal sites. Whether you want to create a platform on which visitors can sign up and publish ads for their products, services and job postings or an online directory where businesses and attractions can be listed.

ClassiX contains everything you need to create scalable and perfect classified ad sites, ads, directories, and professional portals. It comes with more than 23 mandatory pages, including 3 variants of the homepage. ClassiX is a scalable, professional, easy-to-use tool and one of the best classified ad and HTML ad templates with all the latest features.


Folio is a simple, elegant and creative free bootstrap 4 website template for showcase your portfolio or personal information.


Polaroyd is an elegant and simple agency free bootstrap website template, suitable for multiple uses. This template is suitable for agencies, businesses and other businesses. Polaroyd comes with many indispensable elements for designing an excellent website. It also comes with unique features such as: the unique animated header gallery, the full screen menu, the blog page templates and many more.

Polaroyd is the perfect agency template design for all agencies and compatible with all browsers and works on all major platforms. It is ready for the retina and can be viewed on all major devices, regardless of size. The Polaroyd template will be a good way to start your website because it presents an amazing presentation and superb design.


Pluto is the bootstrap template based on materials design. Pluto’s components are based on Google’s graphical user interface.

Pluto is best suited for enterprise, application, product, agency, startup, enterprise and portfolio websites. Pluto comes with all the advanced features with clean and refreshing design elements, probably the best bootstrap template based on the design materials design on the market.



Alstar is a bootstrap template, with beautiful animation and parallax effects. This theme will be adapted to freelancers, agencies, creative to highlight their profile or their works.

Studio Bootstrap Agency Template

Studio is a reliable and responsive web site landing page template based on Bootstrap. This free bootstrap website template is perfect for agency sites, personal websites, and even other related services websites. The template is highly responsive and compatible with cross-searches. The template comes with many new items that are perfect for agency website design. It is based on the minimalist and elegant style of Bootstrap.


Reveal is a free Bootstrap template for creative businesses. It’s best suited for corporate, corporate, and corporate websites. Reveal follows the latest trends and modern design ideas in the webdesign industry. Build your elegant and professional website using the Reveal website template. The theme can also be used by creative people, agencies, consulting companies, startups or anyone who wants a quick web presence. Create it with the Reveal Free Website Template to give your future online presence an intuitive, modern and stylish look!

The Reveal startup template is built with the latest Bootstrap 4 release and is a new addition to our Bootstrap 4 template collection. We follow the section-based code organization in this template. It allows you to easily navigate and read the code clean and well structured.


BizPage is a modern, visually stunning and creative free HTML bootstrap website theme built with the Bootstrap framework. The sectioning code structure method is used to create the BizPage theme that allows you to easily navigate the code and customize it effortlessly.


Avilon is a clean, stylish and modern landing page template for Bootstrap. This bootstrap template can be used to present and promote any product such as a mobile application, desktop application, SaaS applications, digital products, software or any other product that requires a single page layout on the web.

This huge collection free bootstrap 4 website themes for any kind of your website like Agency, Application, Business, Corporate, Magazine, Personal Website, One Page, Store Template, Restaurant template, Travel Template, Hotel Template, Coming Soon Template, Education Template, Event Template and much more.

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BizPage is a modern, visually stunning and creative bootstrap website theme designed with the Bootstrap framework. The sectioning code structure method is used to create the BizPage theme that allows you to easily navigate the code and customize it effortlessly.


Bell is a unique free Bootstrap 4 page theme. Bell can be used for versatile websites, including agencies, businesses, businesses, factories, real estate services, construction, finance, consulting, cleaning service. or any other type of website. Just change your text, your image and your colors to get your website. Everything is already done for you!


Flexor is a multiple purpose free bootstrap website template best suitable for studios, creative agencies, digital agencies or other similar businesses. It comes with 4 color schemes. Parallax effects on scroll, mega navigation menus are some of the key features


Regna is a stylish free Bootstrap 4 template designed for any type of business, corporate or agency website. This is a one-page template with clean design, totally responsive and beautiful on all devices. It is very easy to use and customize, with trendy features and a unique design. Regna’s appearance will give your website a sophisticated and appealing look, or a useful template for your work.


Imperial is a modern and creative free bootstrap website template, ideal for studios, creative agencies, digital design agencies or other similar businesses. The header comes with a full screen part of the hero, where you can present your business. Imperial also comes with a modern mobile off-screen menu for better navigation and a better user experience.


A clean minimal style designs free bootstrap template for creative agency or site. Easy editable website template for multipurpose use. It design with one page layout build with Bootstrap 3.0 and prefect for any small business company.


Maxim is a unique, modern and stylish bootstrap website template. This theme will be adapted for independent people, agencies and creatives to show their profile or their works. Maxim built with the latest twitter bootstrap, the latest trend style and with many impressive features.


Sailor is a HTML bootstrap template for the company’s business. A lot of features and designed for several types of websites such as corporate business, portfolio, product showcase..etc. This template built with the latest Bootstrap 3.2 and coming with the layout box and wide, 10 colors predefined templates, 10 pattern backgrounds, WOW , and much more.


Valera is an impressive bootstrap templates with many modern features such as minimalist slider, video background, parallax and CSS3 animations. If you are looking for an easy to customize template then Valera is a good choice. It allows the use of Google Maps, a parallax banner, a showcase of portfolio and a project counter. Because of the bootstrap template, customizing it is made easy. It is for free by Creative Commons. It is equipped with modern designs, easy to customize, it helps you save time and has a user-friendly interface. For those who want to try out bootstrap templates then they can start with one of the easiest with Valera.demo

Elevator Metro

Elevator is Metro UI Inspired responsive bootstrap 4 template like . It is Multi-purpose template with all Necessary Business Web elements like: , Team, Service etc. Elevator has creative UI with single page navigation. It is perfect choice for any kind of single page Business and Portfolio sites. It is a responsive bootstrap template that is offered for free. It is compatible with Bootstrap 3.3.5. and can be used with a touchable slider, with organized codes, equipped with business elements and other useful features.


Margo is a quality multi-purpose bootstrap 4 template. It is great, professional and easy to use template with all necessary features including short-codes, pages & more. You can use it for, business, portfolio and agency sites. It offers ten variations of homepages, thirty plus pages for business, Google maps and other important features that are truly useful. Customer support is available 24/7 which can attend to all queries from its users.


Basic is a 2 pages themes created to showcase your work and basic information. Ideal for freelancers. Modern design, with an elegant aesthetic. Getting started will require the basics. Whatever business you may have or whatever personal portfolio you want to organize and showcase, Basic bootstrap is for you. It is simple, easy to navigate, creative and customizable. Whether you have texts to post, to show or images to share, there is one theme that will definitely suit your need.


Corlate is a responsive Bootstrap template. It is new modern design and easy for you starting a new company website, new start-up project or may be you’re talented person who wants to introduce your work to whole World. Startup businesses can enjoy its many benefits. It is popular among startup businesses and those that are running on a limited budget.


Ninestars is a Bootstrap themes for creative agency website, it has many useful things to offer especially for those who are in search of bootstrap templates that are useful for whatever purpose they may have. They can use such templates for business, personal or portfolio purposes. It has many useful things to offer especially for those who are in search of bootstrap templates that are useful for whatever purpose they may have.


Lonely is a clean HTML Bootstrap templates for portfolio, personal purposes, It is a responsive web design layout, flat design and uses Google web fonts.


Sprint is a bootstrap HTML template that features different colors that is popular among web developers. It has a simple layout with an interesting and attractive gallery. It is easy for customization with professional designs to choose from, Sprint is indeed a favored choice.


Mobileapp is technology or marketing layout bootstrap 4 template allowed convenience and there is nothing more convenient than making use of mobile phones. All features are contained in one simple and effective template. Mobileapp is a popular choice among people who want to promote a mobile app. All features are contained in one simple and effective template.